
You find a spider and decide to save it. What does this do for you spiritually?

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You find a spider and decide to save it. What does this do for you spiritually?




  1. I found and saved a spider when I was a kid. I kept it in a large jar with air holes punched into the top. I made sure it had food and water and that the temperature was comfortable for a spider. I had plants and leaves and sticks in the habitat I provided. Then the spider had a multitude of offspring. They crawled out through the air holes and got everywhere. I got in trouble for that one!

    Spiritually and otherwise, I think spiders are best left in the wild.


  2. I would never decide to save it.  Hate spiders.  Hate them, hate them, hate them.  I would kill it and sleep very well at night.

  3. What do you mean, save it?  Just because you found an animal doesn't mean it needs to be "saved"!  From what, anyhow?

  4. That's probably a question for the Religion & Spirituality section, since it has nothing to do with the paranormal. The spiritual impact of such an act would be completely specific to the individual and their beliefs.

  5. Nothing.

  6. There are many spiritual beliefs on this and it depends on which one you believe.

  7. Good kharma (if your motive is good).  There's no reason to kill a spider - or decide not to save it if it is in peril - unless it is a threat to you or you just can't be bothered by it.  To be bothered by it enough to save it is to show compassion, which will enlighten you...

  8. I don't consider it spiritual at all.It's just a good feeling helping other animals.

  9. It does nothing for me spiritually.

    Although I've had a couple other little critters express obvious gratitude, in the form of trust, after saving them.

  10. Depends what you mean by "save" are you saving it by letting it go free outside? or are you saving it for yourself in a jar?

    Spiders have a lot of spiritual meaning for the Aboriginals-They represent our creative sides and seeing a spider is a good thing. Keeping it locked away or killing it is definitely seen as a sign of destruction-to God's creation.

    letting it go free shows you are kind, compassionate, and loving. It also may bring you freedom with creativity.

  11. It lays eggs in your bed, and they hatch while you're asleep and burrow into your skin and live there and grow.  You should kill it while you have the chance.

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