
You going to see the hockey movie "The Love Guru" opening up this week?

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h**l yea I'm going to see this movie!!

Get my Soda



Hot Dogs


and a date too.

This hockey movie should be great!!

Where do you think this movie will rank all time with the other hockey movies?? Early-prediction of course.




  1. I am not sure yet. I will probably see it. But it may not be this weekend. It looks like it should be goofy enough to kill a few hours and have a laugh or two . It won't be anywhere  near the top of any great hockey movie list. It will be under the just for a laugh list.

  2. Im gonna try to go with my gf

  3. I'm thinking that the movie may end Mike Myer's career.  It looks G*d awful.

  4. I was just about to say the same thing! h**l yea! I just had a hard week of exams and I need something fun to do. I'm Indian and I'm a Leafs fan. It appeals to both sides of me.

  5. nope... that movie looks really dumb....

    I love hockey but that movie looks horrible

  6. im not too into hockey, or any sports for that matter.

    so thats a negative.

  7. NO! I am not a MIKE MYERS fan! SORRY!

    I dont go to movies anymore. When they cone out on DVD... they are NEW to me. So what, I wasnt the first to see it... big deal... when I do get to see it... it was new to me. AND  I save a lot of money for beer by not going to theatres and waiting for them to come out on DVD!

  8. I've noticed this little thing with movies and how good they'll be. If there are no reviews at all on the tv trailers, that means it'll suck. I saw that little pattern after I saw the second Alien vs. Predator movie. Good god, that movie sucked.

  9. Ye but before going to watch it im going to have to chug back a couple of brewski's...

  10. I'll wait for someone else to see it and tell me how it was. If its only kinda'll be a renter.

  11. The movie looks HORRIBLE, I wouldn't spend a penny to see it.

    I think it will get a low rating, lol

    I will only go see it if someone is willing to buy me nachos.

  12. probably...i'm not sure though...if my dad goes, then i'll go with him

  13. Me and my brother are probably going to go see it. If our theater every gets it that is.  

    It'll will probably rank somewhere in the middle.

  14. it looks bad, so it will probably get bad ratings but i think i might rent it so i can turn it off if i need to

  15. Of course.  My sister and I will likely go and see it - being Leafs fans.  Mike Myers is hilarious.  Seeing Justin Timberlake in a comedy role will be interesting too....and, he's easy on the eyes.

    Like Mike Myers said on the Today show yesterday morning, when Meredith asked if he had a "man crush" on Justin, Mike replied "who doesn't....all you need is a pulse" to be attracted to him.

  16. im not going to go see it i don't think it will be good it looks stupid. i think it will get low ratings.

  17. That movie sux the only reezon i wud go wach dat movie is becouse Jessica alba plays in it :p oyeh she is hottt <3

  18. I'll watch it on HBO next month!

    The best hockey move ever is Slap shot . . . never gonna be beat!

  19. I haven't quite decided if i'm going to go see it. I love going to the movies and i love hockey so it could be a good mixture, but i'm not a huge mike myers fan. But if my dad wants to go then i might go.

    Out of other hockey movies it will rank low. Its about hockey but really its more about getting a hockey player's gf back. So i don't think it will be a good hockey movie but maybe a good comedy.

  20. Yeah, I think I'm going to see it whenever I get back from camping (I'm leaving Thursday).

    I'm going with my two best two best friends are dating each other, so I may end up being the odd man out when we go, but who in late June/July? I'll take it!

    Yeah, the movie DOES look a little corny, but HEY! Atleast someone cared enough to make a hockey movie! You never see hockey movies anymore.

  21. I just rented the rocket.... Good movie, but the on screen titles on the English dubbed version were french. I could figure most out, but still...

    I don't think I'll see it. It looks quite dumb. I'll stay home and watch intelligent humor instead- or mythbusters. Whatever.

    Top Hockey movies of all time:

    1. Slapshot

    2. Miracle

    3. The Rocket

    This one will be way down there at about number 5,000, right below Youngblood.

  22. It looks freakin terrible

    Zohan was so bad that when i noticed this pile o c**p

    I decided not to see it

  23. its not a hockey movie at all... never should a movie like that be considered a hockey movie, that would be a disgrace. but it looks pretty funny

  24. I haven't decided yet, but guys, tell me what you think of it, that will help me determine if I will go see it or not. (As well as if it's even showing down here)

  25. Not much of a theater person, so I'll probably wait for the DVD. I love Mike Myers so I hope this is on par with his other work. Nothing will ever top Slap Shot, though.

  26. Yep going on Friday! Haha i think it looks weird but funny at the same time. No idea how it will rate!

  27. I think it will be funny but not a classic and probably not even top 10 all time as a hockey movie.

  28. Looks like a dumb movie. It looks insulting to the Leafs.

  29. I'm not going to waste my money on it. I hate the Leafs and the only way they can win the Cup is if Mike Myers writes it in the script. It's sad really.

    Also there will never be another hockey movie made that will ever compare to the greatness of Slap Shot.

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