
You got to stand for something?

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Or you will fall anything. Aaron Tippin (yes it's with it)

Do you agree with this song?




  1. You've got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string....

    Love this one! Yes!

  2. Definitely, everyone should live using that quote.

  3. I believe that we should stand up for things that we strongly believe in, and only if they're for the good of the people.

    I don't think he means it literally when he says "or you'll fall for anything". Even if you've never stood for something, that doesn't mean you'll fall for anything. He was just making a pun that fits the song.

    At any rate, I like the song.

  4. I stand for nothing, which is something.

  5. That doesn't make sense. What does 'or you will fall anything' mean?

  6. I agree completely. Everyone needs something to get angry about.

  7. Sure do!

    Aaron Tippin had some of the best/most realistic/funniest songs.

    Kiss This was one of my personal faves.

  8. I stand for Kevorkian and the ones like him!!!

  9. h**l yes I do!

  10. I completely agree.  The old saying has stuck around this long with good reason.

  11. I agree with the song and the theme since I first heard it - years ago.

  12. YADA YADA, of course, everyone should stand up for what they believe in, but by the same token, do not judge lest yea be judged, no one has a right to tell others how to live their lives or force their viewpoints upon others.

  13. Agreed. A great message, BTW. And talking about judgment: the same poster has been calling pro-choice women KILLERS time and again. People who live in glass houses should refrain from throwing stones, dear.

  14. the world has never changed, we all stand for what we think is right... It starts wars, but it also makes us human.

  15. i hate country. but okay, i agree :) i'm not going to youtube it though.

  16. Yes it is so true,and to the point.

  17. no i dont agree I think all music videos are bad

  18. I disagree.

    I think that you can go with the flow of life without being gullible.

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