
You guys are going to think I am the worst mother ever, but....?

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I was cooking diner tonight and let my son stay in the kitchen with me while I cooked. He has never been able to walk around in his walking chair, and I kept looking back to make sure he was close and fine. He was for the first 20 minutes. Something started burning on the stove and caught my attention for 5 minutes, while I was trying to fix diner I turned aroud to check on him and he had walked over to the trash can and grabbed a bag that held frozen chicken in it in his mouth!!! I totally freaked out and rinsed his mouth out as fast as I could. His mouth only touched the outside of the bag, but I am still really worried he might have salmonella or something...what should I do? Should I call the ER or something? I'm really worried about him and I feel awful, I can't believe I let him out of my sight for something like that to happen!




  1. There isn't really anything you can do now.. just watch for the signs of food poisoning: diarrhea, vomiting, etc. He might very well be okay. Don't worry yet.

  2. First off you are not a bad mom you cant watch your son at all times. Heck i was two and fell out a two story window. Second off did you wash his hands? If you feel safer you should call. Remember the only dumb thing is not asking. They can calm down your fears, Just remember you cant always be with your children. So you arent a really bad mom.

  3. If he develops symptoms of diarrhea, vomitting, fever, lethargic, then take him to the ER.  If not then he's fine...  Salmonella is actually not that common as it seems. Your baby has a higher chance of being in a fatal car accident than does getting sick from l*****g a chicken bag.

  4. That's nothing!  The rest of us have done far worse, and you will too before your son grows up.  Once I was cooking with my kids in the kitchen and I accidentally closed my daughter's finger in a door.

    He's fine.  Really, he's fine.  The only thing you can do is make sure he gets washed up afterward, and you did that, so relax.  Salmonella is uncommon, especially from frozen chicken packages.

    My friend's kid ate mushrooms from the backyard and had to go to the ER to have her stomach pumped.  I once put my daughter in the car in her infant seat, but I forgot to buckle her into the seat.  I know I've done worse, but I've tried to forget about it!  I recommend you do the same.

  5. I wouldn't lose sleep over this one.  I mean, you were preventing a fire, for chrissakes.  Salmonella is much easier to treat than burns.  Keep an eye on him, Google the symptoms of salmonella, and get him treated if he shows any.

    Get a lid for your trashcan; put it up on the counter or out of reach when your baby is in the kitchen with you, and chock it up to "lesson learned".

  6. No, he is fine.

    You do not need to call the ER, and you are not a terrible mother.

    Make sure his hands are clean incase he puts his hands in his mouth.

    Just monitor him, and if you start noticing symptoms, it's time to call the doctor

  7. As a mom we are blessed to have natural instincts that can reveal all insights of any event.

  8. Don't beat yourself up over this, you're NOT a bad mum!!! A bad mum wouldn't be on here in distress asking this question. It's impossible to get through parenthood without little things like this happening along the way! My 8 month old bit off and swallowed a piece of nappy sack that I didn't know he had hidden somewhere last week, when my back was turned in the same room for a couple of minutes - he could have choked on that or anything, and I had images of him having to be rushed to hospital to have it cut out of his stomach before it clogs his intestines up, before my dad sat me down and said, it's fine, he's fine, these things happen, you're not a bad mum. And that's exactly what I'm saying to you! As for your question, I am SURE your son will be fine, however you never want to take a risk with a baby and in your shoes I know I would be ringing the doctor about this. I suggest you do this just for your own peace of mind if nothing else - reassurance from a professional is second to none and will make you feel far better than anything anyone can say on here will, and if there IS any cause for concern then you can go straight in! Please don't hate yourself over this, we all make mistakes, and if we didn't we'd never learn!

  9. you are not a bad mother and I would just keep an eye on him but he is more than likely going to be fine...i left a thing of garlic butter sauce (from the pizza I ordered) on the coffee table last night and wasn't paying attention and my 7 month old drank it- or tried to it was mostly on the ground but his breath smelled like garlic so I guess he got a taste.  he's fine but I feel for you because I was thinking the same thing.  they get into things so quickly

  10. No, I don't think he has Salmonella if the Chicken was inside a bag and unexposed. But, you can call your Pediatricians office tomorrow and explain to them what happened and make sure everything will be ok, as Im sure It will be. Don't feel bad Momma! All of us Mommas have done something unintentionally with our Children. Afterall, we are humans, and humans make mistakes. Don't beat yourself up over it..I thats the most terrible thing he ever puts in his mouth, your doing good! :) Lots of luck!

  11. Oh you totally dont beat the mom on here who's toddler had a disposable razon in their mouth.  Although now Im very careful with mine, and will be now also with chicken bags.  

    When mine were younger we kept the garbage tucked away in a closet, and the recyclables on top of the fridge.  Never had the cabinet space,and the ones with lids, the little ones just see as another toy/challenge.

    As for the salmonella, maybe just google that for the signs.  Worst case you could call poison control.

  12. Even the best moms have times like this. Basically you did what you should have done, you washed out his mouth immediatly. If he shows signs of any sickness what so ever, I wouldnt wait to call his doctors. Keep a close eye on him and make sure he isnt showing signs of getting sick. Im sure hes just fine though. Dont stress over it, things happen and everyone learns from them  :)

  13. You are not a terrible mother at all.  EVERY mother makes mistakes, you cant possibly prevent everything from happening.  If he did catch salmonella or something they wont really be able to do anything about it right now.  More than likely he will be just fine, but if he starts acting sick take him to a doc and let them know what happened.  Try to calm down though, he will be just fine.

  14. Just keep watching him...most likely he is fine. Wait until he starts will be freaking out all the time!! Just keep your eye on're not a bad mom. Moms aren't perfect :-) If he seems sick to you in the next few days...rush him to the hospital. Otherwise, he should be fine.  

  15. your not a bad mom!!!!!! your human okay ~ we all make mistakes ...

    Hey its not like you killed your child and not reported her missing for 30 days!!!! ~~

    Monitor your son and make sure he is fine ... call his doctor tomorrow (unless there is an emergency and then take him to the ER tonight) or take him to his doctor and have him get checked up ~

    Dont worry and dont feel guilty ...  

  16. LMAO....sorry, but LMAO!!!!!!!!! relax! this will be a very cute story to write in his baby book!

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