
You guys know any good tips on cutting weight!?

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hello fellow martial artists, I have an amature mauy thai fight in a week. Last month I fought at 205 because my coach asked me too , and I am never doing that again , did not feel natural at all. My origional walk around weight is 175 and I fight welterweight. So now I am about 187 trying to loose all that in a week , I have done this before just not as intense , actually i have a week and two days. Any advice would be great thanks.




  1. Hey bro. "No saunas" man.  That stuffs a killer over time.  Just change up your daily diet or food habits.  Stick to soups ( good ones ) veggies, V8, orange juice, natural friut juices and maybe baked skinless chicken here and there in very small amounts and continue to work out hard "especially core work" on the core muscles.  We're talking 17 tiny pounds man, that's no big deal in a weeks worth of time yo.  I have dudes on my team that drop 15 in like a day ( beyond crazy extreme ) with out cooking it out in a sauna at 150 - 200 degrees <----not good for organs expert supervision or not.  Just watch your food intake and get a ton of excerise and weigh your self twice a day or so and you'll see it shed right off man.  7 days is a very long time to cut a tiny 17lbs. bro.

    The heavy bag 50 minutes at a time can burn some major weight quick as well dude so maybe try that for a total of 5 or 6 times during your day every day with about another 3 hours of "core training" ( 10 sets of 10 per hour x's 3 ) per day until your weigh-in.  Keep your Fat Grams below 10 total per day via soups "Fat Grams info" right on back label of can yo!! all while pushing the heavy bag work to the extreme and beyond if you must.  Pros work daily at least a good 8 hours per day so it won't kill you to have to go through the same for the next 7 days plus it's better on your health and strength....f*** a sauna!!

  2. here is everything you need to know. i know what its like. long wrestling career where i had to constantly cut 15-20 pounds.

    this really has good info and tips. and get a buddy. i always found it easier when someone helped to push me.

  3. Sweat it out...layers on bottom: 2x long johns, (or UA tights and long johns if you have them), sauna suit pants, sweatpants, top off with track suit pants. Layers on top: 2x long johns, UA long sleeve, UA short sleeve, saua suit top, 2 hoodie sweatshirts, top off with track suit jacket zipped all the way up. Hoods up and tied tight. Face mask/ski mask if you can stand it, definitely fleece sports gloves.

    Do low-intensity cardio for a few hour/2hour sessions. You'll sweat it right off. Spend time in the sauna if you can handle it.

  4. Get the shirts, hoodies, and sweatpants. About two layers, do some crazy cardio, maybe sauna it too. Just keep doing that and eating lots of fiber. That should do it for you.

  5. everything in thomas's article is amazing and 100% correct. I cut weight in every worst way there was for wrestling my junior year in high school I'm about 175 naturally and im short built and i cut to 145 i was about 5% bodyfat and i did everything it said was wrong. i highly recommend his article

  6. Look up any books written by Bill or Shawn Phillips, and your coach should respect your health.  The best book to read, is "ABSolution" by Shawn Phillips.  Don't be misled by the title; its actually a very well written, and very well informed guide on fat burning.  Also the author is easily the best qualified man on the planet, to answer any questions on how to drop body fat percentage which is what you are really after.

    A dude weighing 205 lbs, at 20% fat, is not as fit as a dude weighing 170 at 7%, its better to be fit, light, and strong, than anything else.  Reach your weight, where your body fat percentage is at 7% but for god's sake man, don't do that "cutting weight" c**p.  It just ain't healthy.  Read and absorb the book, incorporate the diet info into your training regiment, and stick with it for life.  For a serious fitness aficionado who sticks with a given routine, the weight only fluctuates by roughly 5 lbs in a given month, so, no weight issues.  Once you get where you need to get, you'll easily stay there.  You are after all, limited by genes.

    No, I am not giving you advice on how to quickly cut weight because I will not be an accessory to slow murder.

    peace out.

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