
You have a lighted candle before you and the lights goes out. where it has gone ??

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You have a lighted candle before you and the lights goes out. where it has gone ??




  1. i think it goes to check up on those missing sox and to keep an eye on the wire coathangers so they dont procreate!

  2. Kudos to Sandymac.

      Did you read your Q before you posted it? Your grammer and sentence structure are a dim light.

      Did you have so much Sunday morning time, so bored, that this seemed a viable way to play?

      I wish to be thought a fool, rather than open my mouth and prove it

  3. light travels at 186,000 miles per second, so in 1 second it's 186,000 miles from its origin.

  4. It goes to your soul so that you remember that moment. If it is a scented candle it goes much further. It will be with you for life, so when you are older you can recall the moment and the scent. You will carry that with you to Heaven where you are united with your family that has already crossed over.

  5. The same place the noise of tree that falls in the forest where nobody is around to hear it.

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