
You have any uncompleted wish???and there is no chance to complete that wish in future???

by  |  earlier

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my question complete here...................

OR now you do not want to complete that wish???




  1. finish my assignment tht was due 2day........ oh well...... itz 2 late! =)

  2. yea sure ..uncompleted wish , meet u ....and m sure there is no chance of this wish completing in future ..

    !!!! lolzzz

  3. my wish is that i could get my girl friend back

  4. All the wishes never completes you have to leave some wishes to be full fields by your nearest and dearest.


  6. It depends on the time and fate.

    I wrote poems and never thought of publishing it. One day, i just did it online and got Editor's choice award and poems and poets of 2007.

    If you want u can too...

    and i have an incomplete wish that's to be an Interior designer and i know i will do it soon.

  7. Everything has its chances, dear. And uncompleted wishes happen all the time.

  8. Telling you my earlier days.

    A desire took birth.

    Matured with time to reach extreme.

    Vanished with time but keep on smouldering.

    Still it is in my heart............ a wish which will never come true.

    The wish was..........

    I want to feel my self the real warmth of love.

    The same  in between a lover & a beloved.

    Want to peep inside some'one heart.

    What is sensation of love?

    How heart beats?.

    What is oath.  What is a promise?

    A temporary dispute, pangs of saparation & then hugging.

    I desired  to be part of this loving relationship in real. Could not get............ an unfulfilled wish.

    Time is over now.

    Companions are now my Wife & my Kids.

    Leaving this in the court of God.

    May this wish come true in the next birth.

    Pray for me.

  9. I have wishes which had never came true... If we know wish will not fulfill then it is not a wish..... got it?? Wish is wish it will come true.

  10. wishes are supremacy for people,but the  point is aims,goals,ambitions.....all can be reached, wishes are selfcentered always,....wish takes a new birth after everytime it dies....wish for a wish

  11. No, I have got all I wanted but in future it may change

  12. i hv got a good friend like you....!!! which i hv ever dreamed of...

  13. We wish a lot. The God has set for us a flexible  "wish  fulfilment space" in our life span. This "space" can be increased or decreased by our deeds. If our acts are good ,  our wishes get  fulfilled , if our acts are bad  our wishes will not be accomodated in the "wish space" . so , the better option for us is  , to go on doing good work , and forget about fulfilling our wishes. they will be automatically fulfilled.

  14. sure...may i have your hand in my hand pleeeeease....yeah...there is no chance in future....yeah....i wanna complete my wish, with your approval...thanks....SANAT.

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