
You hear a lot about the mistreatment of women being wrong... but you don't hear "why" it's wrong. Why not?

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I'm not asking simply for an answer/explanation in morality; more along the brand of logic and efficacy as interpreted through the circumstance.




  1. its wrong because your hurting another human being. they have  feelings just like men.  

  2. Ok so you say we are taking out the morality of it... fair enough

    First off, say someone slapped you in the face, beatin you down till you couldn't breath, get up, anything. Is that wrong?

    There is a certain degree of respect I feel every human being deserves. No not because God told me to, but because we are all living breathing creatures.  

    What about a female close to you? A sister, a mother, a friend. I realize that some people have a bad relationship with their family and that family doesn't always mean safe or happy. It could mean pain and suffering. But there must be some female out there you know. Imagin her hurt!

    But psychologically speaking you do not beat down, abuse anyone unless you yourself feel inadequate.

    Plainly put, its wrong because it hurts people.

  3. "I'm not asking simply for an answer/explanation in morality; more along the brand of logic and efficacy as interpreted through the circumstance."

    The first sentence is a contradiction, so I can see why you are easily confused.

    Put simply, it is a matter of compassion and maturity.

    I'm taking it you have a defeatist attitude, and you don't really follow along the lines of a revolutionary attitude, even if you would imply that by your interests in societies welfare, which as I see, the government is saying "who cares" right along with you. Just because you follow a strict outdated dogma does not mean that it is the right way to go.

    Did you know that horses are one of the most abused animals? And if it wasn't for the compassionate, humanitarian, oddly enough, animal police rescueing these poor things, they would die in malnourishment? Every living thing deserves respect, that's why I'm a vegetarian.

    "I think the definition or context of the term needs to be evaluated" and elaborated, you make no strong point as to why it is better off that way besides your own personal preference? So, why is your preference so strong?  And, just a question, if your mother had been mistreated at the hands of someone more powerful and domineering than her, would you agree? I'm guessing this is the case. And I'm guessing you never revolted to something or someone stronger than yourself because you felt you had no right or power, hence the defeatist attitude. And if you can't beat em', or even questioned to, why not join them and influence your own power in your "sphere".  Tradition is fine and well as long as it is consensual and not blinded by destructive convention. ei: slavery. And some people are blind at this point,you, it sounds like you are an extremist as far as religion, society, and the position of sexes go. Have a nice life with that attitude, I really hope you don't find a woman stupid enough to follow the roles you expect, and fit into the model, dear god, where you have found those roles.

    And another note, if you are not too keen on individuality, maybe helping someone out in getting their visa would benefit both parties. Dissapproval is virtually absent in that context. good luck!

  4. Why is it not wrong?

    Think about it, the answer will come to you.

  5. No one talks about why. No one listens to what the abuse has done. No one wants to have guilt placed on their shoulders. They brush guilt off their backs as if it were dust that settled there. It is a disrespect for another human being. and that is so common in many cultures and even as the shadow of a deranged dictator.

  6. Definition of wrong varies from person to person. I think i see where you're coming from, it sounds like you're arguing that certain sacrifices were made for a "greater good" so to speak with your horse analogy.

    Every culture is different and mistreatment varies- forcing a women to not speak or to wear a footwear that will cause irreparable damage to her foot is mistreatment, and others would argue having a private "boys club" is also mistreatment. That being said its our job as a society to make sweeping judgment calls to prevent and undo mistreatment.

    At times mistreatment can be fortuitously called sacrifice when the benefits are worthwhile. Sometimes mistreatment isn't exactly wrong but all too often it is.

  7. It should go without saying. Mistreating anyone without provocation is fundamentally wrong.

  8. Can you rub at least two brain cells together consecutively? Why is the mistreatment of any person ok? You’re and idiot, I don’t have any words. People with your mentality are the reason for de-evolution. If the closed-minded idiots that spouted off the first thing that came into their indoctrinated little heads would shut up; the world might have a chance to grow and flourish. All of humanity, united and strong!

  9. You're an idiot.  Go dig a ditch!

  10. More or less, the ethics and morality have a huge part to do with the logic.  If you mistreat a woman and get scolded or branded as a jerk by it, then it is pretty obvious no?  It's not necessary for the explanation of it's the wrong thing to do, as social and personal ethics and morals fall heavily into play.  To break it down simply think of Pavlov's dogs.  They became conditioned to expecting food when a certain circumstance occurred.  Now in comparison, it's expected for all people to be treated equally and when it doesn't occur, especially who have had to fight for equality - wiki or google - women's votes - or women's lifestyles circa 1942-45.  for some examples - then you hear on the news and so forth that the mistreatment of said injured party.  Ask yourself this, if you hit your girlfriend is it okay?  Is it okay to torment her verbally?  The answer should be a quite obvious no.

  11. Lol! I'll remember this question for when someone asks why feminism is still needed.

    Following your logic we should automatically execute all criminals, as this would benefit society. We should also execute all those wasters on long-term welfare.

    Also - who says this benefitted society? I am happier in my current role than I would be in being a housewife. Am I not part of society? The way you have posed the question suggests that 'men' are society and women are not part of this society.

    And just for the record, horses shouldn't be mistreated. We should all be concerned about animal welfare. But - forgive me, I'm a feminist - I don't really think horses are of the same importance as women.

    Ho hum. Well done for an exceptionally dim-witted and misogynistic question.

  12. maybe it's because women are human beings

  13. So, are you pathetically telling us that we are being brainwashed; only we don't recognize it.  It sure seems like it to me you are.  

  14. Why it is wrong to mistreat another person.

    Well simple systems - you commit an action that interacts with another person, it attains the focus of their attention. They being another individual get to set the manner of attention they set on you along with the choice of action with which to respond. Not to mention the manner of memory they wish to create and thus recall, which in turn may set forth further actions.

    Much of what they do may take inspiration from the action you created. In terms of the type of focus they lend you, the actions and memories. This is also affected and perhaps mitigated by the character they have.

    In short if you push someone there is no reason to prevent them from choosing to pick something up and hit you with it. That's just a simple interpretation. One of many. This is in the manner of returning the action.

    Then of course there is the negative/positive framing effect, of subconscious grouping and repeated or perceived events. In essence where an event of a type that is intended to be unpleasant is committed by a person that fits into a given category, is conducive to them creating an expected 'rule' for that given category of person.

    In essence people are prone to stereotype others - just because you mistreat 'slightly' doesn't mean this is being added to a growing (and potentially misaligned, due to the self defense mechanisms of where to place expectation/attention) perspective which may at some point lead this individual to commit to causes, concepts or actions that may lead to further mistreatment (or otherwise) of themselves and or others, based on the above interaction dynamics.

    And this is just a little for you to think over. I'm certain I can imagine other views and perspectives. I'm certain you can too.

  15. omg can't you give better, an engineer?

    women are not horses

    women are not at the same standard as horses

    women are not degraded like horses

    women are not low labor like horses

    it's important for men to really be conscious about how they utter their words when it comes to women, as it could totally picture what kind of man he is..especially with the fact that women are more sensitive

  16. This comes from a very Western and modern standpoint.  For one, women have not always been in the kitchen caring for the children.  It used to make sense (logically/physically/financially) that women took part in labor and work for the community.  This did not mean "staying at home" but doing food gathering (which often made up 80% of a family's daily diet), hunting (in some tribes women helped with the hunting), trade (in many Native American tribes, women were often traders), medicine, religion, and tool making (from baskets, vases, to even hunting tools).  Child care was often a group activity and later split between the parents and other family members.

    This does not make women better or of more worth than men, but shows that women were just as needed and important in everyday community life (beyond simply "cooking and cleaning").  The idea of the woman always being tied to the domestic life is just a myth.  Women roles varied depending on tribe and culture.

    Even later on when agriculture became the foundation of the way of life, women often helped in the field and worked as long and as hard as the men.

    What this proves, then, is that women have been (and can be) just as active in daily life.  They did not just "stay in the kitchen cooking meals and raising children".  This was an idea and concept that came more with the rise of "modern" western thought.

    But lets say you're right and SOMEONE must stay home to cook the meals and raise the children.  If, for the benefit of society, someone must fill this role, why do you assert that it MUST be women?  Simply because it has always been so?  But it has NOT always been so.  So WHY, then, do you wish the keep the 2nd group as women and the 1st group as men?  

    See, its not so fine and nice when suddenly its your OWN gender being forced to only one choice in life.  That is not to say there is anything wrong with staying at home and caring for ones family.  However, no one wants to be FORCED to do it-- and saying one MUST simply because of their gender is mistreatment.  YOU don't want to be forced to do, so why would you expect that anyone else wants the same thing?  FORCING one to do something that is against their will or desire is a form of mistreatment.

    And a society built on mistreatment is not one worth saving.

  17. Definitions of mistreatment on the Web:

    the practice of treating (someone or something) badly; "he should be punished for his mistreatment of his mother"

    Abuse refers to the use or treatment of something (a person, item, substance, concept, or vocabulary) that is seen as harmful. The term comes from the words "abnormal use". It can be used for anything ranging from the misuse of a piece of equipment to the severe maltreatment of a person.

    Improper treatment, abuse

    The mistreatment of anything is wrong.  Be it woman, man, adult or child.  To mistreat someone or something for that matter is not only cruel but morally wrong.  In my openion.

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