
You hear on the news that three huge meteors.........?

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Are heading for earth in a few months. Each meteors is expected to have the capacity to take out an entire country and cause massive tsunamis. How would you react? And what would you do?




  1. There wouldn't be much you could do except evacuate, but even if you survived the initial impact you would still be done in by the after affects.    

  2. i watched a program where they went through the history of NASA figurin out what to do in a meteor situation. an in the end they came up weth this method of using a light beam directed by solar panels to fry the meteor liek a ant under a maginfying glass. they said it takes 10 years to do this. they also said that the shortest amount of time with the angle of the sun or planets blocking, till we found out we had a meteorite was 2 years. ♥ so a few monthes theng wudnt make sense to me

  3. I would spend all day and night praying!

    When i was reading the title I was soo scared lool. I was like omgomg what??

  4. Omg! i freaked a little like the other person! .lol. r u serious? i would pray and move the heck on the other side of the earth or start diggin!

  5. id get a car n drive around for fun

  6. evacuate of course..

  7. sit on the roof and watch

  8. move to a country that wont get hit lol

  9. NOOOO!!!

    -wait, what countries would they hit??

    i would probably pray and be prepared

  10. Ahhhhh!




    Super FREGGIN califragilisticexpialidocious

    Im really scared

    I didnt even have kids yet!


  11. havent heard about it. doubt it's true.

  12. I'd hope they are made of rock candy, i like rock candy =)

  13. Get out my trumpet and play em a song. Fer Sure.

  14. start cracking down on a bomb shelter.

  15. Lock the front door and put a pan on my head.

  16. Okay.

  17. simple, ill just shove bruce willis, billy bob thorton, liv tyler, and ben affleck on a space ship and have em blow em all up. CRISIS ADVERTED!

    and then well make a movie about it

    armageddon: the return

    and this time theyve brought friends


  18. have s*x very often

  19. Have a party with friends and go out with a blast.

  20. Well that's a double edged sword...if you go out assuming it's over and do illegal things, but end up living, that's not good...If I am positive I'm going to die..I would do anything I want. Laws, and ethics would no longer apply to me.

  21. i wouldnt need to panic cuz i live inland higher up. is this actually true?

  22. I would file a complaint with national security and get an arrest warrant for the three.

  23. what could you do? call superman, maybe

  24. go about my life as if i didnt hear that

  25. yahoo homepage is not doing a good job at keeping me well informed.

    nothing for now Yahoo has not confirmed it for me

  26. Are you saying that is going to happen, or are you asking what if,

    I have not heard of any comming within a few months, but i have heard about some that are on a collission course for earth in 2012, and than another one that they say is going to hit the earth in the year 2028.

    Both of those are supposed to be pretty nasty ones.

    We must live righteously.  CLean our lives of any and all sin, and prepare to die.

  27. stock up supplies in the basement

  28. Bring it on. Yippy Yie Kie Aye MF'er!

  29. WHAT!? OMG!

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