
You just find out your childs school teacher has had a gender change op would you keep you kid in that class?

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You just find out your childs school teacher has had a gender change op would you keep you kid in that class?




  1. it all depends on my childs age. if they are in highschool i would they need to be exposed to different people and thats a situation they may face in reality as an adult.

  2. Absolutely not.  I believe that it is morally wrong and I wouldn't want my child exposed to that.

  3. yes i would keep my child in the class because an operation can not stop a person's ability to therefore taking a child out the class would be discriminating against the teacher...

  4. I think that would depend if the subject or anything else inappro is brought up in class and/or that your child knew-if they don't and it isn't, I think it would be ok. I think I'd rather have a person change physically, that promote a lifestyle that is not completely moral to me-

  5. yep, g**s can teach just as well as straight teachers can

  6. Why not? I assume the person is qualified to teach and that's all that matters.

  7. Absolutely no way!  No offence to the teacher - she can live her/his life the way they want too.  But when it comes to my children, they would not be exposed to that change as a child. Children need to be brought up in a "child's world" not an adults one.  That teacher has absolutely no right to inflict that type of confusion on an innocent child.  If the teacher had one ounce of decency and morals, they would transfer to another school and start all over again, and prior to this announce to the future parents their gender change so that the parents can make an informed decision.  I'm all for people living their life as they see fit and the rest of us minding our own business, but when it affects our children and particularly their education we definitely have a right to know what information we will subject our children too.

  8. Yes. There are MANY reasons people have gender change operations. Judge on teaching ability first!

  9. My kid is out of there.  I've witnessed teachers answering nosey/curious questions or simply rambling and sharing way too much to middle and high schoolers.  My child does not need to even let his teacher's sexual history and interests... g*y or straight.  The gender operation would draw too much attention to this.  In the younger years, it's just not appropriate to be around little kids in a close-knit public environment like a school.

  10. Yes. Given that the teacher is doing (his/her) job well which is to teach the kid what he is supposed to learn. I do not think that there is nothing wrong in having a transgendered teacher provided that (s/he?) does (his/her) duty professionally.

  11. As long as they are performing their job as they should and aren't getting into to graphic details about their transition with my kids I would absolutely keep them in that class.  In my opinion and in the way I want to raise my kids, I believe it would be a learning experience for them in diversity and would open the door for them to ask questions, which is important.

  12. Yes. I don't think the operation changed the teacher's skill to teach. The more comfortable the teacher is with his/her life, the better he/she can teach my child.

  13. i wouldnt

    if that teacher wants to have a s*x change then they obviously hav some problem

  14. yes as long as they have a professional relationship and dont bring their business to class...wouldnt you rather know than them keep it a secret tells you alot about the person right there

  15. If you were happy with your childs education and well-being before you knew about the change then why should knowing he was a she or she was a he change anything? Pretty sure you're child want understand and really care so whats the point in upsetting child by moving them away from friends and their usual routine!

  16. The only reason to change your child's class assignment in this case would be a reason to change the child's class assignment in any case: if inappropriate subjects are being brought up, that's a reason to change the class.

    However, if you try to change your child's class for no other reason than the fact of a s*x change operation in someone's past, it is you — not your child's teacher — who are disrupting your child's education and unsettling your child's life.

  17. Depends on the age of the child & the teacher, how well my child was settled in the class. I would give it some thought before jumping in and removing my child.

  18. No ******* way i don't want my child near some prostitute ***

  19. As many others have stated... it's a personal choice.  I personally do not agree with this "change" but if I was happy with the teacher's ability to teach then I would leave my child in the class.  Though you may not agree with this individual's choice...and yes, I'm sure conversations will arise amongst the staff and students (especially in older grades)...but consider this a "teaching moment" for your child/family.  You have your own values but it doesn't mean that others have the same.  Better for children to learn this and become settled in their family's values while they are still young.

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