
You just inherited/won $1 Billion. What do you do for the next 24 hours?

by  |  earlier

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Lol. Thanks




  1. Quit my job immediately, clean out my desk, say good riddance to these evil people... Head home to sit in silence with a glass of wine, something to smoke and my own thoughts on the whole thing. Then decide what I can pack up because I'm moving out of that crappy little apartment into a nice little house with a fenced in yard for my dog.  And her and I will then proceed to live out our own little heaven on earth because I'm never ever working again.

  2. Donate half to charity.

  3. shop. :D

    And scream

    and kiss you because im so d**n happy O_O

  4. get it all in ones and throw it in the air and swim in it then.... i wud throw a big @$$ party and get hella drunk then the next day i wud by a new car??

  5. make a list...oh yeah...i'm makin a list

  6. Go to church

    put a $100.00 bill in the plate



    pray my inheritance comes through.


    Sparky w

  7. I doubt I would be able to remember!

  8. I didn't come into a billion, but I came into a lot... take it from experience, do the following:

    1) if it is not, or doesn't have to be, public knowledge, DON'T make it so! If people (friends, family, coworkers, charities, etc.) know you come into money, they will want it, and/or they will be envious of it. It is human nature.

    2) Talk to a CPA and Tax Attorney. Get a recommendation from one of them for a GOOD financial planner... not the hacks who work in the strip malls... you want a money management professional with years of experience, and demonstrated track record working with high net worth clients. References are a must on anybody you are trusting with your $$$.

    3) Don't make any quick/rash financial decisions. No matter how much money you come into $1m or $1bn, don't run out and buy anything that yourself before the money would consider "expensive"... $200 dinner at a fancy steakhouse, go ahead, $300k Lamborghini -- NO WAY! Let's say you get $50m, you buy a lamborghini, and you crash it into a minivan with 3 kids in it... if you aren't properly insured, if your assets are allocated properly, etc., you could be liable for enormous damages in a law suit... don't squander your money before you really wrap your hands around the responsibilities that come with it!

  9. The first 23hrs would be a total blackout! Then I would ring as many people I owed money to (if I could get through that is not via India) no offence (but then I could afford the calls)  and tell them exactly where to stick their threatening letters!!!!!! We can all dream, can't we? x

  10. go for a quiet drink on my own, sit and sip a nice glass of wine, have a deep think about my life, and then go home, and sit back and smile.  

  11. My old school mates and I always said that if we ever come into a load of money we would pay of each others mortgages.  Since Ive lost touch with most of them now, I would more than likely run round the office screaming like a looney then go home and ring everyone and get a very large drink in!

  12. Get drunk till i pass out cause i won't be able to sleep

  13. i wouldnt tell a soul not even my boyfriend... i dont want anyone treating me different.

  14. go around buy some nice property, that after i given some to chairty

    then get shax, go amsterdam for 3 days.

    shop for clothes and proerty and cars then go aorund givin homless people job and givin more chairty

    o and hire some big men to go aorund with me beatin up hoddies and thiefs

  15. Start a list of the charities I want to support before the other leeches come knocking with their ideas for making even more money or others start calling and sharing their bleeding heart hard luck stories.

  16. sit down, buzz for ages, then work out how to tell my fiance....

    actually, sod that......i`d walk out of work grab my fiance, then zoom home !!!!......


  18. go and buy evrything i want this would be my dream

    i mean when you go shopping u'll say to urself i wish i could buy both the top and the purse but if you had the money you could buy all the thing you wanted  

  19. Sleep, not worry about anything, then go out and shop loooooads! Buy a nice house, probably nothing too extreme though. I'd live comfortably for a while then study and get a degree and probably end up working, part time at least.

  20. Sit down and think and hopefully avoid a violent heart attack.

  21. 1.  Change my phone number.

    2.  Install a very good home security system.

    3.  Make an appointment with a very expensive tax advisor.

    4.  Make arrangements to pay off every bill owed by me and by the people I'm closest to.

    5.  Begin making a list of charities, because with that much money, I'd be able to do a lot of good for a lot of needy people.  

  22. ring round telling my friends, take a holiday with them all

  23. Go crrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzz...

  24. Kiss you with excitement babe! lol

  25. 1.  Call my boss and tell him to "F" off

    2.  Sit down at the kitchen table with my adulterous wife (from whom I've wanted to extricate myself for a looooooong time), and then up-end that mutha like on the rap videos when they're playing dominoes and yell, "F" off

    3.  Pay for a new bridge across the river in my city so they'll name it after me

    4.  Buy some land and a house that I design (underground zombie-proof bomb shelter and the whole nine yards) ... complete with armed security staff (para-military with automatic weapons)

    5.  Make some good investments so my moola will grow

    6.  Buy a radio station and play whatever the h**l I wanted to all the time and have mega-contests and CD give-aways every weekend ...

    7.  Open a really cool record store and hire all my good friends to hang out and make recommendations to the customers ... and subsidize the prices ... $6.99 CDs ... with a resident DJ that spins good music all the time ... (DJ P or DJ Z-Trip would be a good choice -

    8.  Single-handedly solve the "affordable housing" problem in my metro-are by building entire "green" communities (solar power, rainwater reservoirs, etc.) of those "shipping container" houses and only charging $40,000 or so ... cheap enough so that even someone that works at McDonald's can afford a nice place to live that is NOT an apartment

  26. Take a deep breath in.. go into local town centre go to somewhere like the sony centre smash all their tv's and shout i'm a F**KING BILLIONAIRE s***w YOU SONY!

    then go and buy a nice big tv, every film ever made make my house a cinema and sit back and relax with a on hand beer dispenser..

    Then give money to my friends and family..

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