
You just won a prize... which one would you choose?

by  |  earlier

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1. A brand new car (car of your choice)

2. $1,000,000 in cash

3. The ability to fly

4. The ability to go back into the past whenever you want

Happy Labor Day




  1. In order of preference


    Cash (a good bit of which would be spent on a car.  probably an Audi R8)

    Car (Audi R8)

    Going to the past.

  2. If number 4 includes the "ability to change anything u want in the past", then I'll go for it. Otherwise, I'll pick cash :D.

  3. I would have to go with number three. That would be so cool!

  4. Number 2

  5. I'll take the cash so I can quit my crappy job asap!

  6. I would choose number three because number one and two you can do in your life, but number three you can't and number four kinda seems boring lol.

  7. definitely number 4

  8. the money $$

  9. $1,000,000

  10. Number 4! That would be a dream come true!  

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