
You know, when we die....?

by  |  earlier

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(assuming a spirit exists).

1. Does it dissolve and transform into other things and beings, or does it continue on as one indestructible unit?

2. Do you get to keep your memories, or do you only keep your essence?




  1. My intuition leads me to believe that if the soul is perceived by its creator as not being permanently reprobate, then it will probably have future opportunities and experiences of an infinite variety. Beyond what we can imagine, especially since they don't exist yet (not even in the planning stage, if it's necessary for the infinity of "God",s spirit to plan, that is). And from the prospect of eternal life (which would not need to be interrupted by death if evil was no longer present) the memory of life in this world would be irrelevant. Why would you want to retain memories of evil, unless you looked forward to an eternity of it, that is?

  2. 1. No

    2. No

    We just go away really.

  3. i like your query..

    i want to know, but i dont want to die first to realize it

    let me know what you think.

  4. What Happens When We Die?

    Is Death an end, a beginning, or just another stage on the path?

    Reprinted from Golden Drum 18

    ‘What will happen when I die?’ is one of the most important questions a human being can ask. To find an answer is to discover a deeper meaning to life. To know that there is at least a part of oneself that survives death would provide a much wider perspective on existence, a perspective that could radically transform the way we lived our life.

    On one level, the answer is simple. At some time, our complex bio-physical organism will break down. The breathing will stop, the heartbeat will cease, and gradually our body temperature will fall. After a while, the body will go stiff and start to decay. Eventually it will be burned or buried. And, for the materialist, that will be that! But perhaps there is more to us than just our physical bodies. Perhaps there is something that survives the death of the physical body, a soul’. If so, what is its nature?

    The view of the Christian-Islamic tradition is that the soul of the individual comes into being at conception. It lives but one short life on this earth, and then, after divine judgment, is awarded eternal happiness in heaven, or eternal suffering in h**l.

    According to the Buddhist view, what happens to an individual after death is closely linked to the way he or she has acted in life. Rebirth and karma (action) are usually spoken of together. According to the Buddha’s understanding we are born into a particular type of body with a particular perception of the world because of deep-seated tendencies-inherited from our previous existence to experience reality in a particular way. These tendencies manifest as our conscious world-view develops. Whenever we act in conforrnity with such a tendency we strengthen it. When we oppose our inherited tendency we will weaken it, and may thus alter our viewpoint on reality. Our views can therefore be modified, either consciously or unconsciously, by our own efforts, or by the influence of our environment. Thus, at the end of our life, the set of views and tendencies with which we started may be substantially altered. The ’person’ who dies could be quite different from the ’person’ who was born. Then, although the body dies, that bundle of tendencies survives and, after a certain period of time - some say that it is instantaneous and some say the period is many years - creates’ for itself a new body.

  5. well, it depends on what your belief is. Some people believe in reincarnation (where your spirit or essence continues in other life forms after you die) and some people believe you just disappear. I am catholic so i do believe in heaven, h**l,etc... Everyone beliefs are different.

  6. ...none of the above, so, i'll get cremated and have my ashes spread at specified location...

  7. See now I don't believe in Feline's opinion. Think about your mind and all the trillions of things you think about everyday (some you dont even realize). All your feelings, and emotions, and memories, and knowledge. How can that all disappear? Then what would you feel? It's scary to think about nothing because you can't think if you are nothing. So it's not just black.... it HAS to be something. Cause you wouldn't know there was nothing. Idk but it makes sense.

    1. Must be an indesctuctable unit cause of its complexity.

    2. You must keep your memories cause that's what makes your spirit....your spirit. Without memories it would be like coming out of the womb your whole life.

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