
You know I'd do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING to be in this...

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Ladies place...

fq - Brazil or Argentina?




  1. Yes... I wish I had her watch too... very nice, but lets not overlook the more important fact that she's good at matching.

    FQ- Argentina for sure =]

  2. lucky..except give me de rossi anyday..

  3. yeah...i wish i had her smile!

    thats a tough one.i like both but id say brazil cause i love kaka

  4. i would love to be in her place too:) lol ♥

    BRAZIL!!!!!! [always]

  5. fq - argentina

    cmon all you who support argentina lol

    whos brazil got nobody

    they only had 2 good ones pele n ronaldinho

    as argentina has way more



    upcoming messi....



    and tevez....

    & thats just some lol list tooo long


  6. same here ronaldinho is so cool!

    what does fq mean?

    I love brazil way more!  

  7. the airport ?


  8. :)


  9. OK then, cut off one of your legs.

  10. Me too. I'd give my all to switch bodies with her at that moment.


    Though I'd lose all ma beauty she is so ugly.


    Brazil no doubt.

  11. your avatar picture supports barca obama right?... let me find my reading  

  12. Cause she's travelling? Her watch? Digital Camera... Yea lol jk.

    She's lucky enough, I just got to see him from far away.

    FQ: Brazil

  13. i am Türkish and Türhish people loves Brasil for tis reason BRAZIL


  14. haha lucky woman, the closest i got to him was like 20 metres. darn.

    fq.... I'll be the first here to not choose brazil and go with Argentina. but brazil rocks aswell

  15. You know i'd do absolutely nothing to be in that ladies place.

    FQ: Neither, they both suck.

  16. both brilliant teams I prefer Brazil for their tricks

    p.s what a lucky lady that is my friends friends sister saw Ronaldinho on a national express bus to London Heathrow and got his autograph

  17. Hehehe... photo shop it and put your face!

    FQ: Argentina

  18. That is one lucky woman.

    FQ - Both. I like Brazil a little more.

  19. Haha I saw Dinho at the San Siro.

    Nananana poo poo! hehe

    fa - Brazil!  

  20. you'd have to fight sarah dinho off him first lol

    FQ- Brazil

  21. thats one lucky lady. my wish is to see him play live someday :)

    fq: argentina

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