
You know how Sabrina The Teenage Which has powers, how do i get them?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know how to point at something and make it happen. I know it sounds crazy.




  1. Ha Ha are you sure you are old enough to be on this site

  2. ^.^ I love these questions

    Most ppl hate em >=\

    Add me if u want so we can talk more but if u look up spells u can just be able to do whatever human or not. ^.^  I can make it rain!

  3. Erm... How old are you?

  4. Well, in reality, magic is more complicated than that.  That was just a TV show.  If you aren't naturally inclined toward it, then you need to have another witch/wizard Initiate you.  Not everyone can do it, though.

  5. not in this lifetime, sorry, but you can get someone to teach you magic tricks, that is the closest you're getting to magic

  6. 1) Sabrina is a TV show.

    2) The actress who plays Sabrina doesn't actually have any 'powers'.

    3) The only way to get 'powers' like that is to take a lab quality hallucinogen and start pointing at stuff.

  7. you tap your feet tree times and a rainbow pops up and you magicaly get powers!!

  8. Wiggle your nose, and sing.....Bewitched!

  9. Real magic doesn't work like that... imagine the world if it did, bunch of lazy people could just zap things... people on power trips... How sad that would be?

    Real magic does work, but differently. It is subtle; it works with nature, not against it (for example, can't create something out of nothing).

    But-- you might not like this-- it requires a great deal of study, time, effort, mental discipline. Magic isn't the easiest way to obtain your desires, as it is a long road of hard work to become adept.

    And it does not give you instant gratification by handing you what you don't want to work for on a silver platter-- it simply is added energy to help the things you're working for roll along smoother or faster.

    If you like to just point at things and make them happen, you can't, and (judging by that desire) you probably don't have the patience or perserverence to actually learn real magic, so if I were you I'd just chalk it up to a fantasy and get on with my life.

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