
You know how food on commercials looks sooooo much better than the actual thing? well, i do. this is weird.?

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okay, so you know how on commercials, like burger king, their burgers looks so yummy. well i wouldnt take a bite out of a burger. here are some things they do to make it look good:

go through tons of rolls to find a perfectly symmetrical one. then they count number of seeds on each side, if it doesnt look even, they superglue some on.

the tomato is a green one, becuaes it is more ripe. they actually smear lipstick on it for the red appearence.

the buger is actually frozen (more water in it when frozen- thick an juicy appearence) they use a lighter to burn the edges and make it look good. the lettuce it glued around edges of burger only, and they make the littlw waves in it, to make it look good.

just thought that was weird.




  1. It takes more time for them to prepare for a commercial than to actually prepare the actual burger at the store.  No one will buy a wilted lettuce hamburger that looks grey.

  2. Thank you.

    I've been trying to prove that point for so long.

    Anyway, I totally agree with you; their food looks so delicious on TV but actually its not that great!

    I dont like Burger King, neither do I like McDonalds that much!

    It is very weird!


  3. yea that is really weird cuz you see that it looks soo good on the t.v. and then when you get there it looks like they just threw it on a plate and gave it too ya. it really sucks! lol

  4. Sometimes they're made out of plastic so they look much better than the real thing.

  5. Marketing 101:)

  6. awww come on cut them some slack. sure the commercials feature delicious looking burgers, but they were created by food stylists! no way would a real burger look like that after being ordered from working employees. they dont care what it looks like. youre going to eat it anyways, right?? it is weird to think about, though

  7. Sweetie, It's called Strategic Marketing and makes common sense in the marketing world.

  8. Well they can't show pix of how they really come out or no-one would want them.

  9. lol.  That IS weird.  Another thing, they use special lighting when they photograph food.  It makes part of the food look translucent, thus, more appetizing.

  10. i don't care i love their whoppers

  11. yes i always thought about that and how they take real good care of putting the burger together

    but you cant blame them though. the people that make the burgers you eat are people like you and me. they are working for money and it IS a fast food restaurant. it is impossible to have a perfect balance of speed vs. quality in the making of the burger satisfactory to the consumer

    put yourself in their shoes. if you were working, would you take extra time to perfectly place all the ingredients in a burger? NO because then the supervisor wold complain how slow and inefficient you are and you will be released from working there

    just thought i'd put my 2 cents in

  12. Stinks, don't it.

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