
You know how if someone says something "bad about a person" in

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front of others....Is the person just not AWARE that it will get back to that person???? and sometimes it gets back all WRONG...(the person had not said that)....




  1. some people are just looking for a fight... :]  

  2. Sometimes people are passive aggressive, and they say things because they know it will get back to the person, whereas if the person had been right there, they never would have had the guts to say it in their face.  This way, they got to say what they wanted to say, they got to cause the hurt or anger or whatever that they wanted to cause and they can still say, "OH, well that got blown out of proportion" or that they were misquoted or something.  A very cowardly way to be, but you didn't hear ME say that.

  3. I once heard, "You can tell a lot about a person by the way he speaks of others" and also, "Speaking ill of others is a dishonest way to praise yourself", A dog that only barks is the same as a man who only talks, which is the case w/ most people, they can say all they want, but have done nothing w/ their lives. In inch of practice is worth more than an ounce of preaching.  

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