
You know how it is said that deaths happen in three's?

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Bernie Mac,now Isaac Hayes. i hope this time it doesn't come true. Do you think that it is a myth?




  1. its not death per say. just bad things always happen in threes. i have personally witnessed this countless times

  2. It's not sad.. we all will die someday. Isn't nice to know two other people you know will go around the same time?

  3.   I know it's kind of freaky, but my wife made me aware of it a few years ago and its happened at least 3 time that I'm aware of. Now, that being said just to scare you, have you actually keep track of the single and double deaths.The law of averages dictates that a triple has to occur once in awhile and those are the ones to which we pay more attention.A myth most definitely.

  4. With the huge number of deaths in the world each day, it is easy to pick three and claim they have some connection, It is only a myth.

  5. if you look hard enough, you can put a pattern to pretty much anything.  Should two folks be reported in the news as having died tomorrow, will you discount one of them as "expected" or "inconsequential" or will you look for the other two that remain?  How long are you willing to wait for them to fulfill the three?  Or will you then decide that Bernie Mac was the third death of some other set?

  6. I think it's true because when the big bad wolf showed up and blew the house down the 3 little pigs died.

  7. My grandmom always said that! And I don't believe it has ever been scientifically proven, but I've seen it happen more than once!

  8. Yes. It is a myth.

  9. You say that you love Jesus.  OK, what does His Word say about death?

    "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"  Hebrews 9:27

  10. I would say that it is a myth.

    Morgan Freeman escaped death recently! Thank goodness!

    So, I think the "chain was broken." In the end, if you believe it enough, it will come true.

    And by "come true," I mean that you are your own answer. If you looked hard enough, you might find that a semi-famous black gentleman may very well have died today. So, that would be your "three."

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