
You know how newlyweds are all loved up and have s*x a lot?

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Does that still happen if you get married when you have already been together for 7 years and have two kids?

I'm probably going to get married in 2010, so wondering if we will still have that honeymoon period or if it will be long gone hehe




  1. Probably not, because of the kids.

    My husband and I got married after 3 years living together and we had lots of honeymoon s*x (actually, still are, we did it every day this week), but nothing like when we first got together.  We've been married one and a half years.

  2. You won't know.......until it's time............ but have fun KEEP THE PASSION ALIVE...........

  3. I reckon a honeymoon/wedding would definately 're-vamp' things- sure!

  4. you make time for each other I know a couple that they have been married for 32 years and they still haven'tt lost the honeymoon phase , they are awesome people I am glad they got it rite so many of us don't .

  5. I've been married 3 years and have 2 kids and were still in the honeymoon period! :)

  6. the honeymoon can and will be there even 10 or more years down the road

    you must communicate and make time for each other, take one anothers feelings into perspective, and there is more to marriage then s*x.

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