
You know how some blinde people can see like the shadow-y outline of things......?

by  |  earlier

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.....but not like their facial expressions or anything, just the dark outline?? Is that called anything specific, or is it just called "Being Blind"????? I need an answer ASAP!!




  1. It could be Macular degeneration that your talking about - Your describing a central scotoma (blind spot) that would likely be due to that.

    "Partially sighted" is the correct term to those who suffer from a visual impairment but arent actually "Blind"

    "blind" is a term given to describe someone who's vision is so poor it leaves them "unable to work"- Ie its more of a social classification.

    very few people are actually completely blind (ie. no light whatsoever)

    so to answer your question its termed Partially sighted with a central scotoma. / peripheral vision only.

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