
You know how the scottish section likes to get its rock off with religion and politics??

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering what would scottish football fans vote in a general election??

i would vote for the conservative and unionist party

lol i know I'm stirring trouble




  1. I refuse to vote,let's face it,we're gettin' it up the erse no matter who gets voted in.

  2. I dont vote either!

    oh my goodness just back and its arguments and thumbs left right and central! jeezo chillax everyone!!

    gave you both thumbs up btw for giving me a giggle ;o) seems nothings changed then eh!! lol the thumbs are out in force this morning are they not?...and for the record I only dish thumbs up or none at all!

  3. tory for me since the bnp don't stand up i joking..maybe..maybe not...:-)


    me am goin wi the woolich hahahaahahahaha

    on a positive note i'll be joining the euro party

    shite i forgot you'll no be at the same party hohohohohohoh


  6. Lets have another party party. Not enough parties.

    4 in a row  

  7. unfortunately the communist party of great britain is no longer in existence so i will be voting for whichever brand of loony left minority is standing in Dundee West.

  8. Tory voting b******s!

    Iv'e been thinking long and hard about this The Labour party currently has the country in ruins through no real fault of there own aside from rampant political correctness and prisons butlins would be proud of, I could never even consider voting tory as they hate us! The snp promis the right things but the delivery takes some time. the Lib dems are to far behind to mean anything.

    It all depends on the manifesto's for the next election but Gordon's got to come up with some real soulution (god know he's got it in him) and Alec's got to show me he will go through with em and the lib dems have to walk on water the conservitives can just fuc off

    Personally i'm against political parties as a whole and would far rather have a one party one vote system.  

  9. Charlie you are a brave wee buggger.  I am Scottish too and know you are just stirring it for a laugh!!!!

  10. I dont vote...

    Suzie can I ask if you want rid of England etc, why do you carry the union jack?

    your team is red white and blue....

  11. Feck that Idea. SNP. David cameron hates scotland. Margert fatcher hated scotland too. I'LL BE DAMed if I back scum like that.

    A vote for tory is like suicide. I know I'll get a sea of thumbs down but really IT IS SCOTLANDS TIME! We don't need england & they don't want us so why stay?

    ALDE unless you've got a photo of me carrying it then you have nae right to say that??

    Why do Celtic play in green white . Are they irish??

  12. SNP... get rid of the English thats my policy.

  13. Your not stirring trouble with me!

    I don't vote, if I did, would have to be THE MAN Gordon Brown's Labour  

  14. I have voted labour all my voting life, No more !! they have moved too far to the right for my liking. So it's SNP for me. England dont want us, cameron couldnt give a stuff for Scotland so i would never vote tory, my grandfather will be spinning in his grave.

  15. Republican Sinn Fein (not Adams party) or Irish Republican Socialist Party! or maybe Ulster Unionist Party LOL Its your guess

  16. if emaciatedbob started a party, sorry, rephrase, a political party, sorry, rephrase, bollox he'll read this and the one word he'll pick out is PARTY, i could be his election manager. Most politicos require an erection manager.

    whaddya say, bob, party, party, party?

  17. what bluebell said is good with me

  18. A vote for conservative is a vote for rome.

  19. sinn fein,ira for me ma man

  20. im joining ORACLEs party !!!


    Have the champers on ice already ye ha ...


  21. They're all full of shite, just like yourself!

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