
You know how there is anti-matter and matter?

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ok, nows theres dark matter, and dark matter is probably different than matter that we can see. so is there such thing as anti-dark matter? i know it probably sounds crazy, but i was wondering if anybodys heard of anything like that before. and if some strange reason there is such a thing, explain to me what anti-dark matter would be.




  1. Immediately after the Big Bang - the only thing in existence was matter and antimatter. There were no protons, electrons, electrons, quarks, muons, etc. You are familiar with the first 3 dimensions, and maybe the 4th, which is time. But it is believed there are 11 dimensions.

    Right after the Big Bang, most of the antimatter went into one of the 11 dimensions. If the antimatter was present in our dimensions - everything would just annihilate itself. We have created antimatter in the 'lab' with colliders. There are a 'few' antimatter particles still around us.

    As the universe cooled we obtained particles and atoms - and the same happened to antimatter in it's dimension. To differentiate antimatter an 's' is added to the word. So - matter becomes smatter. Electron becomes selectron, muon becomes smuon, etc.

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