
You know how they say that from your first kiss there is some kind of thing that happens where you brain...?

by  |  earlier

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decides that you can be a couple or what not. Is it possible for a guy to get/feel it and not a girl? About 1.5 months ago i met this guy at a party and hooked up just for a bit of fun, he asked fo my number, i gave it to him and he txt me the next day asking how i was. A few days later he asks me out, i say yes then my parents decide i cant date unitl schools out so i txt him and say no. He replys saying 'oh well thats all right :(". He has txt me now about 4 times in the last month asking how i am. The thing is im not interested in him and so i dont reply but he still txts! What should i do?




  1. don't be a classic bitc.h text hi or call him and tell him that you're just not looking for a bf right now or something.

    answer mine ppl??

  2. Ughh that sucks =[

    But guys actually have "love at first sight" more often than a girl will.  Weird huh?

    Hopefully it will run it's course though, and he'll stop texting you.

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