
You know that indestructable black box on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of it?

by Guest64748  |  earlier

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You know that indestructable black box on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of it?




  1. why in the world would they?

    plus who is 'they' in the first place? boeing? if so, that would be waaaayyy too expensive and impractical. the whole plane would be extremely un-aerodynamic and would probably not fly well. it would fall apart.

    plus its a completely different story when you're talking about a box the size of a vcr as opposed to a whole manueverable, functional plane!

  2. Too technical, too easy to destroy and manipulate

  3. Black boxes aren't too aerodynamic... but that's an awesome question.  I like how your mind works.

  4. Dude please....this aint no Saturday night special>>!>>!

    Plus>>> You CoPY! Thats a Chris Rock line.(The newest,it has been used by other comedians too)

  5. too heavy or dense. it wont fly

  6. Or better still they should make planes with crumple zones like they do cars or make them out of rubber so they  bounce,  foam  body suit so you get a soft crash.

    Well you started it !

    KISS= Keep It Simple Stupid.

  7. Its too heavy.... it would weight the plane down, so it would never be able to fly.....

    Not to mention how much it would cost!

  8. They could do it, but: The indestructible  thing about it is that the whole thing can be heated to a crazy temperature without losing its info. If the plane was made of the same material it wouldn't matter because humans are not heatproof.

  9. It'd be so heavy the plane wouldn't be able to fly.


  10. it will be impossible for plane to lift off the ground than.

  11. it would be too heavy and cost way too much money!!

  12. There's the question of the sudden stop at 400 mph.

  13. maybe it would make the plane too heavy

    plus the cost would be too much

  14. too heavy

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