
You know what I just loved about Palin's speech?

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is that she was so natural. You could tell that she could easily be your friend, a lady at the grocery store; a real person.

Not someone who is Ivy League educated and rubs elbows with Washington insiders all the time as so many other politicians are. It was not this alone that has me supporting her, but I have to say it was refreshing to say the very least.

What say you about her?




  1. Palin for President

  2. I think this is silly. I *WANT* the person who could become president (a real possibility, given McCain's age) to be well educated and to know how government works.

    I don't want the nice lady at the grocery store making strategic policy decisions or, for that matter, I don't want a president who I'd like to go have a beer with. I want a well educated person who is well-travelled and well-spoken. Palin only seems to meet one of the three criteria (well spoken).

  3. She's a breath of fresh air that has no ties to Washington insiders.  Can Biden say the same?

  4. She is smart, quick witted, pretty, a real person, unaffected by the limelight.

  5. I am surprised that she got involved with McCain - she could have had an impressive run at the presidency in 4,8, 12 years but this will tarnish her as linked in the minds with the economic slowdown, Iraq etc when in the next election cycle those will have been previous events. It also makes McCain look very desperate - a bit like an ageing rock star with the glamour model wife - no longer able to dominate the headlines on his own.

    There is also some kind of investigation so I am surprised she did not wait till she was totally clear of it as if there are any skeletons it could harm the McCain cause.

    She seems pleasant and nice which are probably good qualities as the VP does not reeally a huge input and will help in all the hand shaking she will have to do.

    People Say she has no experience of how Washington works as if this is a good thing - just means she will be isolated in policy making and niave if she ever made to president thriough something happening to McCain. Poor choice.

    Think I would have preferred Michael Palin!

  6. I think she is an excellent choice.  She has more experience and is way more down to earth than NoBama.

  7. I was looking at her juicy jugs and that tight @ss

  8. Really digging the sexist comments about Palin (insert large quantaties of sarcasm here).  Does anyone else find it funny that the same people that are making sexist comments about Palin are the same that get offended when any sort of race comments are suggestions are brought up about Obama?  Everybody say "YAY!!!" to hypocrites.

  9. yup, that is just how gw got elected.. the kind of guy you'd want to have a beer with.  Great decision making for who should lead the country.  I don't want to be "friends" with the president, I want him/her to be able to think and make rational decisions, to understand the issues and to realize the world is not all black and white.

    I wonder why Palin bothered having an amniocintisis test done which presents some risk of miscarriage if it wasn't going to affect her outcome (to keep the baby regardless)?  Either she really isn't as bright as you all seem to think or maybe deep down was a bit sick of babies and took a chance she would spontaneously abort?

    Or, as a friend thought, perhaps she was going to abort if the test came back showing damage, then realized it would never be kept secret?

    Would she have kept it if she knew it would be homosexual?  She claims not to even know what normal is, yet somehow she knows it isn't homosexual?? what a hypocrite.

    On the surface she is very pleasant, articulate.  But her beliefs are about 180 deg. from mine.

  10. Gov. Palin is a great person who will make an outstanding VP. This country really needs a true reformer and agent of change. Great choice McCain! McCain/Palin 2008!

  11. Hey, Obama has done a day's hard work!  He scooped ice cream at Baskin Robbins.

  12. Well, ah, um, in all specitivity, ah, her delivery ah, --talking about words, just words, --not all the kids she ah punished herself with, ah,you know that she um also delivered,  I think that um, she represents REAL change, and can speak quite eloquently without reciting a teleprompter.

  13. I'm fed up with this political elite that runs this country who strike me as complete alien to America.  Be it Bush, Kerry, Cheny, or Gore.  I think they see themselves as a breed apart from us, our masters.  Palin comes across as one of us.  I'm ready to give her a chance.  I doubt she could do worse than Obama would do.

  14. The ladies I see at the grocery store don't strike me as the type of person I would want to see have their finger on the button launching a nuclear strike.  And another thing:  when did it become a flaw in your character to have an Ivy League education?  

  15. Two thumbs up.

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