
You know what im tired of?

by  |  earlier

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reading about girls having s*x

im 14

yes i think about it alot

but now im so tired of hearing about it

im kinda like ewww about it

especially since

they post stupid questions like

i was on my period so i can't get pregnant

wtf who actually beellleives that

i no some of you guys may not agree

but pelase tell me if you do agree




  1. Agreed.

  2. I agree 100%!

  3. i kinda agree im 15 and ive had s*x. yes its fun WHEN your doing it with the person u love but the thing i dont understand is why post it on a forum where everyone can read it? i find it personal and would never say it to the world!!! and ask questions?! if u dont know something means your not ready!

  4. I agree. And thank you for stating it.

  5. I'm 14 and I'm scared to death of having s*x. Like literally. Its supposed to hurt. Its not worth it.

  6. so glad you shared

  7. I agree.

    Dude I'm 13 and theres chicks out there who are my age or maybe a year or two older who are getting pregnant. And it's just so wrong. And yeah ew. like i seriously couldnt imagine having a baby. let alone having s*x.

    all i really have to say is:

    Abstinence. diggg it.


  9. yeahyeah i agree this is only like the millionth time someones asked a question like this  

  10. I totally agree :]

    It's soo annoying...

    It's like

    "I think i'm pregant"..

    Take a d**n test.. We can't tell you if you are pregnant or not!

  11. i am 20 and pregnant, and yes i get very sick of reading that c**p in the Pregnancy catagory... to the user above, i agree... thank you. and by the way good for you girl friend! <3

  12. haha i agree

    somethings aren't supposed to be told to the whole world &

    and most of us aren't doctors on here  so we cant diagnose you with something

    no offense to anybody who asked  an "am i pregnant" question

    but how are we supposed to know?

    we don't have your blood sample here or anything


  13. This seems like more of a rant or a chat, but I'll answer anyway. I do get irritated when I see young girls or just ignorant people talking about s*x on here with total strangers. I understand a few, but there's a lot who get on here and act like they are better because of it. I lost my virginity at 15 and have no regrets, but I'm not going to discuss my s*x life out with strangers. That's why I ignore those questions. Perhaps that will help you too.  

  14. pf, yesh

    i'm 14, and yes i am an average teenager so there

    i'm NOT going out and ********[c'mon i used a double K] every guy i see

    and i don't belive the girls who say they're preggers... at 12? yeah..

  15. I agree.

  16. That's freaking nasty. What in the blue h**l makes them think their ready or emotionally strong enough to take care of a kid? h**l, I mean they're still kids also! 14 is a very young age! And at 14 they should be playing outside or working on their grades, not getting girls pregnant.

    Sad world we live in.

  17. I'm 13 and I agree, that stuff about girls 12-17 being pregnant is wrong and needs to be taken off of yahoo!

  18. I agree. Even if it's considered "old fashioned" I'm DEFINETLY going to wait until I am married for s*x. And I mean, who wants to be a mother at age 14 ? When the kid is older he or she will figure out that they were born because the parents were stupid and they will have to live with the fact they weren't meant to be born. And what kid wants to feel like that? I sure wouldn't.

  19. im 14 to i hate that to

  20. Most of the questions on here are fake.

    People just looking for attention from strangers.

    Don't take them seriously.

  21. lol i totally agree

  22. You'd be surprised by how many teenagers are having s*x these days and they are simply ill informed about things like pregnancy and STDS. If I were you and I heard someone ask that question, I'd tell them the information that they need, for example, if they say you can't get pregnant on your period, say yes you can and explain it. Knowledge is power...

  23. I totally agree. Jeez, I don't know why they don't understand that anytime you have s*x, you have a chance of getting pregnant. Gosh. =]

  24. Amen sista

  25. it's very refreshing to hear someone your age that's smart .you would not be normal if you didn't think about it. but you are a good example of a 14 young lady please stay that way for awhile as far as some of these other girl's their mom's need to talk more to their daughter's. hat's off to your mom kc

  26. yess

    it annoys the S**t out of me and im 13

    sometimes i have thoughts but nothing further

    this s*x at 12 - 15 S**t needs to stop on yahoo!!

  27. Agree'd totally. By the way, my name is Chelsey too =] lol

  28. yep i agree its gross btw im 14

  29. I never really cared.

    Teenagers have s*x. Teenagers also lie when they're bored.  Those are two sad facts of life.  So whatever.

    I plug my ears and change the subject.  On Y!A, I ignore the question.  

    I mean, I don't know you, so yeah, sorry, but I don't really care, and like, it's your own fault anyway if you think about it, unless you were raped or something, but yeahhhh... I can't tell you if you're pregnant or not since I can't really see you, you know, and I mean, the store is RIGHT there and they probably have pregnancy tests, right?

    Suck it up, princess.

    *None of that was directed at you.  It's just what I'm thinking to those kinds of questions and stuff.

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