
You know you're a horse person when...________________?

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fun question.

Fill in the blank




  1. You know you are a horse person when your family doesn't even talk to you any more for the fear of you going on and on about your horse.

  2. You enjoy searching for pictures of horses for the fun of it. You like anything that has anything to do with horses.

  3. when for your 16th birthday you are offered a red mustang car or a french saddle, and you choose the saddle

  4. Plain and simple. Your horses have feed, hay and plenty of fresh water.....and your cabinets are bare!


    Also when your oldest son says call the dentist because a tooth is bothering him...and you call the Vet. and have the HORSES teeth floated ..."Blushing"

  5. people can tell by looking and smelling you ..... you DONT care. (hey barns smell good to me!)

  6. . . . . . .your daughter's birth announcement reads: "it's a filly!"

    . . . . . . you change lanes while driving and your "inside" leg moves to apply pressure.

    . . . . . .you can find your boots in the dark by the aroma.

    . . . . . .you consider a large golf course as a waste of good pasture land.

  7. You have compleately replaced the word "STOP" with "WHOA" for everything!

    You not only "click" when your bored, but in your sleep too!!!

  8. - you look at every piece of land and say "wow... if only i had the money, i could build the most amazing barn there"

    - you prefer being 30 minutes from home in the hot summer heat mucking stalls and picking hooves rather than being at home relaxing in the air conditioning

    - your favorite smell is "barn"

    - you wouldn't DARE be late to groom your favorite horse at the therapeutic riding center, but when it comes to school you were late 10 times last marking period

  9. When you prefer kissing your horse as opposed to your boyfriend.

    When you prefer riding your horse over your boyfriend.

    When you choose your horse over your boyfriend when you get in a fight.

    When you fit into the following list:


    1) We have 4 speeds and many positions

    2) We wear tight pants and tall boots

    3) We love getting dirty

    4) We know how to ride our mounts

    5)We perform well with animals

    6) We like to be in control

    7) We’ll ride it for hours

    8) We know how to handle a big girth

    9) We get off easy

    10) We're always on top

    11) We like it rough

    12) We have our legs spread all day long

    13) We love using whips

    14) Straddling is our natural position

    15) We don't mind being bucked around

    16) Event riders do it for three days

    17) We can ride standing or sitting

    18) We wear leather chaps everyday

    19) We think the fast ones are the most fun

    20) We're used to having hands between our legs

    21) If we fall off we get back on and ride harder

    P.S. Have you seen the our posting trot?

  10. You Know You're A Real Horse Person When...

    You change lanes while driving and your "inside" leg moves to apply pressure.    

    You click to your dog.  

    You click to your friends.    

    Your daughter's birth announcement reads: "it's a filly!"    

    You've taught your dog to longe.    

    There is at least one saddle in your living room.    

    While jogging, your "inside" leg extends farther to help you balance.    

    You think the 5th fairway would make a great galloping lane.    

    While walking your dog, you hold the leash like a rein.    

    You post over speed bumps.      

    You half-halt your dog while out walking.  

    You know what a sheath is

    You breath in the smell of the barn when non-horse people cover their noses

    You admire a horses butt (seriously)

    You have a presignal, signal,, and reenforcement for punishing kids.

    You fall off because your horse spooks and you leap up to make sure he's ok

    You have at least one horseshoe in your house

    You love to kiss your horse (even if your wearing lipgloss!)

    You've eaten a horse treat

    You've ridden your horse to subway

    You've fallen off at least five times in your life (and always gotten back on!)

    Your gelding's your number one guy (no matter what!)

    Note: partial courtesy of NWSC

  11. you hang in the horse category all night and most of the day and only leave to hang out with horses in the real world

  12. You know you're a horse person when

    your hand is halfway up your horses sheath and you continue cleaning even though half the barn is jeering and snickering.

    you know you're broke but you continue going to those barn auctions to find a horse that "just needs you".

  13. When you cluck or smooch at your dogs, kids and the hubby when they get in your way.

    When you can proudly walk into a supermarket with hay in your hair, horse poo on your boots, mud on your face and bareback butt!

    When you say "whoa" to your truck when you're coming to a stop sign.

    Can't think of anymore....

  14. You cluck or kiss to your rider lawnmower to run faster.

    You say whoa to your wheelbarrel when you stop.

    You wear your barn jeans to school and don't notice the smeel, or the hay in your hair.


  15. Your barn and horse stalls are IMMMACULATE - and your house is a filthy mess!


    When your horse Rig costs more then your house!

  16. 1. You know what and where "whithers" are.

    2. You spend your vacations at "dude" ranches

    3. You exchange breathes with a new equine Friend.

    4. You REALLY hate the people on your trail ride who can't control their freakin' horse!  They let them eat, bite, kick.....

    5. You have penned cattle on horseback.........(very cool)

    6. You don't consider a pair of boots any good until the have some manure on them....

    7. The Wranglers give you the "problem" horses, (you call "cream-puffs"), they let you hitch up your own horse after a ride (everyone else has to leave the coral).

    8. The "psycho" horse, that bites all the other horses and the Wranglers can only saddle once or twice a week, cause he bites them too - Gives you "kisses" after an uncharacteristically "uneventful" ride.   And He remembers you 4 days later - and still likes you.

    I could go on and on.........

  17. you know your a horse person when : you care more for your horse than other people and your horse has more things than you do.

  18. You know you're a horse person when...

    -you wouldn't kiss your boyfriend/husband if he hasn't shaved, but you'd kiss your horse's nose whether or not he/she was full of snot and unshaven

    -you know you're "cool" when you go to the mall/store after riding in half chaps and hay in your hair

    -you'd travel out in the hail/freezing rain and -30 degree below zero (celcius) to get to see your horse, but wouldn't even attempt it to see your boyfriend

    -you can go around in public talking about sheath cleanings like they are nothing....h**l, you can even explain everything there is to it without any shame (meanwhile everyone around you has hung their head in shame and/or turned beet red)

    -you can deal with blood gushing out everywhere and all sorts of messy things on a horse, but as soon as it comes time to deal with a human problem, it makes you want to throw up

    -you see the vet more than your own doctor

    -don't mind continually being poor whether for new tack/equipment, farrier, vet, board fees, etc.

    -you think the "mall" is the tack shop

    -you can drop hundreds of dollars in one shot at a tack store but cringe at someone who will drop the same amount on a pair of jeans (or something stupid like that)

    -your washing machine and dryer (especially the lint basket!) is usually full of hay, shavings and/or horse fur

    -you cluck to anything that moves (you may even cluck to your own vehicle when driving or other drivers)

    -you know your horse's nutrition better than your own

    -if driving in a car with another person and they suddenly slam on their brakes, everyone falls forward except for take a much deeper seat and sit up and back

    -you've been so bored at the barn between mucking stalls and turn-ins that you try different grain and realize that it all tastes REALLY bad

  19. When someone mentions a large sum of money (ex. what they spent on their new car) you automatically think in terms of how much horse that would buy.

    Example - A friend spent $2,000 on a wedding dress.  My first thought upon hearing that was "Hmm...that could buy a decently trained mare or gelding, probably with some show experience but not likely to be above first level dressage."

    I do this all the time...ever since I was about 15...LOL.

    EDIT:  haha another one:

    my boyfriend:  "I just spent $400 on a Wii and games!"

    me:  "But HONEY, that COULD have been a nice used Stubben!  Or new boots!  Or two months worth of lessons!  Or two months of a lease! Or..."  etc.

  20. You know when your a horse person when.....

    the smell of leather wakes you up better than coffee

    feeding you take a bite of grain as you scoop it out for your horse.

    you decorate your house to match fresh cut hay.

    you actually enjoy the smell of the hoof clippings and you don't mind your dog eating them. But you save some as treats for your dog later.

    you smell horse sweat and you get excited

    you don't feel right unless your in riding boots.

    every piece of clothing you own first has to match your horse and saddle gear

    liking horses is #1 on your list on weather or not you even go on a date with someone.

    you take a bite of an apple after your horse and share

    your daily hygiene regimen includes main'n'tail and show sheen

    you have more than one answer to this question!

  21. my horse gets new shoes more often than I do!!  

    And they are higher heeled than mine too!!

    Or--when I pat someone on the back as a gesture of saying thank you!!

    and...I find myself clucking alot too.  You know like excuse me...move...cluck cluck!!


    All books and magazines are all horse People at my place!!

    My vegetable bin is filled with carrots

    My Showsuits are the most expensive items in my closet

    I have more ties than my father and perhaps the average man--button down shirts too!!

  22. When you see a tarp blowing and instantly wonder if your horse is going to spook at it.

    You click to make people move.

    Count strides between parking spaces.

    Wonder what your PE coach would say if you brought your horse to jump the hurtles.

  23. you change lanes while driving and your "inside" leg moves to apply pressure.

    you pull a $17,000 horse trailer with a $1,700 pickup truck.

    the board check is paid before any other bill

  24. Simple - you put your horses needs before yours. They eat their meals before you sit down to eat yours, they are well cared for and loved. It is not how much you spend on them, it's the quality, not the quantity of time.  There are plenty of people out there that have lots of money to spend and they have lots of horses, tack, etc. but I wouldn't call them a horseperson. A horseperson truly knows how to take care of their animals and they love doing it.

  25. You always draw write and talk about horses all the time or  someone tells you to stop talking about horses.

  26. You know you're a horse person when...

    You accessorize your hairstyle with pieces of hay.

    You examine every piece of rope of twine for halter potential.

    You think a great vacation is spending a long weekend in            front of a horse trailer by a dusty arena.

    You take you children's temperature and think 102 is normal.

    You spend more money on your horses shoes than yours.

    You always have apples, carrots and sugar cubes in the fridge.

    You prefer the smell of the stable to cologne.

    Your sleep with your boots on and count horses to fall asleep.

    Your talk more to your horse than you do to your spouse.

    You spend more time at the feed store than the grocery store.

    Your laugh begins to sound like a whinny.

    If you won a snazzy new sports car in the lottery you'd trade it in for a pickup truck with towing package.

    Your paycheck barely covers your food bill but the horses all have premium feed.

    All the other girls were designing their dream homes and you were designing your dream home.

    You spend far more on your riding clothes than on the rest of your wardrobe.

    You call the vet if your horse looks cross-eyed, but a family member has to be on their death-bed before you can call a doctor.

    You barn is cleaner than your house.

    You are better at braiding your horses tail than your daughters hair.

    You stop at more stables than museums on vacation.

    You cringe at paying five bucks for lunch, but don't even blink at paying $30 or 40 for a riding lesson.

    You can't eat an apple or carrot without feeling guilty for not sharing it with your horse.

    Your significant other says, "It's me or the horses," and you hesitate...

    You pay for to board your horses than you do for your hotel room.

    This was a fun question!

  27. I love these!

    - You know your a horse person when all you can think about are horses.

    - You know your a horse person when you would rather spend your time in the stables than at the mall.

    - Instead of saying "stop" you begin to say "woah".

    - When your at home, you spend your time reading about horses (factual, or fictional), playing horse games (wether on the comp, video, etc.), answering horse questions on Y!A, etc.

    - While on your bike (or car, but I don't drive) you post over bumps/speedbumps.

    - You take the jumping position when going over bumps on your bike or down hills.

    - All the magazines you have or are interested in are all horse related, instead of all that celebrity junk :P (its junk in my opinion, sry if I offended anybdy)

    lol, these are all me. :P I also have MANY more, I just an't be bothered to type them all down :3

    Clover; lol, I was going to add those, their from Chicken Soup For The Horse Lovers Soul. lol, I have that book ,and I love it! ♥

  28. TOP TEN

    10.Your new boyfriend asks you what your favorite color is and you answer: "Bay with sabino markings"

    9.You can't remember peoples names, but you can describe their horses to a T

    8.You carry a hoof pick instead of a nail file

    7.You are up at 2 am baking 'cause you ran out of horse treats

    6.You go to a buffet and don't go for the third trip cause you're afraid you'll founder

    5.Hank the clydesdale finally makes the team and it brings tears to your eyes

    4.You'd trade Blaniks for Justin ropers any day

    3.You don't need an alarm clock, your dogs wake you up 'cause it's time to go feed

    2.Your very favorite pastime is listening to and watching your horses eat.

    And the NUMBER ONE reason you know you're a horse person is:

    You realize that God created the smell of a horse just for you.

  29. You know you're a horse when..... You will wear a blue painters mask with a wet paper towel on the inside take two benedryl and a zyrtec and bring ice cold face clothes to the barn so that you can still ride even though you look like a freak and your allergies are horrible. Lol. You also know you are a horse person when you see someone doing this and don't think it is unusual in any way.

    You know your a horse person when.... You can get up at 5 am any day of the week to ride but never for school or anything else.

    You know your a horse person when.... You don't care that its 90 degrees and 80 % humidity, you go to the barn and ride for hours anyways.

    You know your a horse person when.... You don't have "barn clothes" and "home clothes" they all belong in the same pile.

    You know your a horse person when.... You are willing to go into the local ihop after mucking stalls the night before , sleeping at the barn, and mucking stalls all the next day and think nothing of it despite all of the dirty looks you get due to the hay, dirt, and possible horse p**p all over your clothes and in your hair. Lol five of us did that once it was really funny.

  30. Here are a few of my favorites!!

    When the smell of horse p**p is heaven!!

    When you have more hay in your pockets then hay.

    You tell your kids and dogs "Whoa"

    You open your truck and tack falls out

    You pull a $17,000 horse trailer with a $1,700 pickup truck.

    You plan your pregnancy around the show season so you can send your horse to your dressage instructor for training during the eighth and ninth months.

    Your baby shower gifts include a fleece seat saver.

    When your toddler's first SENTENCE is "mommy go to barn?"

    You plan corn on the cob for dinner just so you can feed the cobs to your horses for a treat

    You give directions to your house and say, "It has lots of horse trailers in the front yard."

    On rainy days, you organize the tack room, not the house.

  31. When you find a hoof knife in your silverware drawer.

    When someones is in your way, you tell them to "get over".


    The biggest reason you know you're a horse person is...

    Your sitting HOME on Saturday night, on Y/A  answering questions like this because you would rather be here, than go out with someone who doesn't know the difference between a fetlock and a forelock!

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