
You know you're a true wwe fan if...?

by Guest64241  |  earlier

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ALRIGHT, i decided yesterday to write a list of 'you know youre a true wwe fan if...' and this is what i came up with. let me know if you have done any of these things, if you agree, or if you have any to add :)

You know you're a true WWE fan if....

1. You have, at one point or another, called someone an @ssclown

2. You have used the phrase "JBL is poopy"

3. You have told authority figures of some kind to "suck it"

4. You treat your favorite action figure like a God

5. You have sat in front of a fan listening to John Morrison's entrance music.

6. You have asked someone what they think/what their name is and cut them off, saying "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK/WHAT YOUR NAME IS!"

7. Whenever someone talks about "Generation Y" or something along those lines, you think of DX

8. You know who Sign Guy is, and always look for him whenever you watch a WWE show.

9. You believe lying, cheating and stealing is not only OK, but it's the only way to get things done

10. When someone is annoying you, you say 'What?' after every thing they say

11. When telling someone you're name, you feel it necessary to repeat your last name in Mr. Kennedy fashion

12. The numbers 6, 1 and 9 have significance to you

13. You instinctively scream and cover your ears when someone says "EXCUSE ME, I have something to say", and/or when you see someone in a wheelchair

14. When someone mentions evolution, you scream, pull out your camera and say "WHERE?!"

15. You have a party/celebration for your favorite superstars birthday

16. You annually predict who's going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame

17. You count down until Wrestlemania, and when it comes, you go into a state of shock

18. You burst into tears whenever you see a low-rider

19. You have done 'the Vince walk' at some form of athletics event

20. Spray cans have become awfully tempting (DX, CTC, NWO)

21. You smile whenever someone asks you if you can smell anything

22. You use the letters "TNA" or "WCW" to describe your rivals

23. You have a whole play list on iTunes dedicated to WWE theme songs

24. The words "Government mule", "scolded dog" and "slobber knocker" mean something to you

25. MVP, in your mind, no longer stands for Most Valuable Player

26. Watching The Dirt Sheet, Word Up and Santino's Casa has become a weekly routine for you

27. You get extremely offended if someone asks you what WWE stands for

28. You get as excited as JR when you see Stone Cold Steve Austin

29. You've found yourself blowing off friends to watch Raw, SmackDown and ECW

30. The phrases "Hoorah" and "Be jealous" are used by you on a daily basis

31. You see a white limousine/black airplane as a blank canvas (DX, CTC)




  1. Good job on your list!

    Also I would add if your driving around and see street signs that have wrestling names you pay notice too, for example Sargent RD= Sargent Slaughter, Hogan Ave=Hulk Hogan, and Belt RD= WWE Belts.

    Also whenever you watch tv and anytime somebody has the last name Kennedy, you think in your head right after.... KENNEDY!

  2. i've done about 1/2 of those things

  3. the iTunes playlist is definitely true, I gots a playlist with 73 current and former WWE theme songs.

  4. Really  

  5. 32.  Tend to  spill beers on yourself,instead drinking it .

    33.  Get excited hearing "The Price Is Right" theme song, hoping to see John Cena, but instead it's Drew Carey .

    34.  Just out of habit ,you BOO at the sound of the Stock Market bell ringing,if you 're on the Bloomberg channel, or BOO at  John Wayne's "THE COWBOYS" introduction song, if you were on the Western Channel...

  6. hahhaaa my favorite action figure was chris jericho and he alaways

    won all of the matches i put him in.. and ive called plenty of people

    assclowns... then i ask them what there name is and then....... IT DOSENT MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!!!!! anyways good job

    on the list :)

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