
You know you're canadian if....?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah I just need some like funny statements or something involving canadians. like whether it be an insider or what not. and dont try to be funny saying aboot or whatever, im sick of that.




  1. If you wear your sneakers instead of boots in the winter.

    Edit: I love Karen L's though I think she left the City of Vancouver out in the cold on the one about driving in 18 inches of snow. Trust me on this one - Vancouverites cannot drive in snow. ROFLOL

  2. you were born in canada ;]

  3. know what a toque is.

  4. you consider hockey your religion

  5. Can kiss a moose or shake paws with  a beaver

  6. You're friend's names are Francois, Jane, Ping, Jose, Natalia, Meoquanee and Mohammed.

  7. You know all the words to "If I had a million dollars" by The Barenaked Ladies, including the inter-stanza banter between Steven and Ed.

    You dismiss all beers under 6% as "for children and the elderly."

  8. ... you cut your finger and bleed maple syrup ?

  9. - You Know the Difference of " Colour + Color " Or " Favourite + Favorite " or " Centre + Center

    - You can sing "O' Canada" in French and actually know what the words mean!

    - You know what a toque is.

    - You know Toronto is not a province

    - You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.

    - You design your Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

    - You are excited whenever an American television show mentions Canada.

    - You know how to pronounce and spell "Saskatchewan".

    - You know that the last letter of the English alphabet is always pronounced "Zed" not "Zee".

    - You can do the hand actions to Sharon, Lois and Bram's "Skin-a-marinki-dinki-do".

    - You know the ingredients for poutine.

  10. Okay, I borrowed some of these, but they're good.

    You know you're Canadian if:

    Your snowblower gets stuck on the roof

    You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend knows how to use them

    You can drive without flinching in 18 inches of snow in a howling blizzard

    You know that francophones and anglophones are not electronic devices

    When you go out to a party, you wear your best clothes, jewellery, and Sorels

    You measure distance in hours, not miles.

    I didn't know that last one was a Canadian thing, I thought everyone did it

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