
You know you messed up in life when.........?

by  |  earlier

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you are 35 years old and you are sitting in an algebra classroom at the community college........and you have students in the class who are literally in high school and even junior high school. these kids are taking college classes at the ages of early to late teens.

wow i really messed up in life didnt i?




  1. Any age is a good age for studying. You should be proud of yourself

  2. worse yet, your teacher is 21  ;)

    Seriously...who cares if you are 99 if you are trying to better yourself?

  3. No.  You don't have to down yourself for things you have done in your past.  Right NOW is all you need to think about dear.  Right now, you are bettering yourself and propelling forward.  So right now, you should feel pretty darn good!  

    Good Job!!!!!!!!!

    **Each failure is only one step closer to success!**

    **You know you've messed up in life when you've stopped messing up!**

    Keep your head high!

  4. It could be worst. At least your trying now... what if you were 55?!

  5. That doesn't mean you've messed up ... just that you're in a position to better yourself and you're taking the time to do it .

    Many people have good careers and to keep progressing they find they need some college .

    Stop worrying about where you've been and concentrate on where you're going.

  6. You haven't messed up your life.  Good for you for taking steps to improve it.  I was older than that when I started my first Master's Degree, and I always ran into students who were older still.  

    The time will pass.  You may as well have something to show for it.

    PS:  haven't you figured out that you're smarter than the kids?  Maybe not in algebra, but in general.   Never stop learning.  That alone will keep you young.

  7. You may have made some mistakes, but apparently you are learning from them.  A person isn't a failure until they concede defeat, and it seems like you are still in the fight.  God, if I tried to share the countless mistakes I have made, I would need my own forum. Please be happy El Beisbol.  ;)

  8. Nope, you have not messed up. If you ask me, you're on the right track. Because there are people your age who know they need to go back to school, but fear having those "kids" show them up so they don't go. Be thankful that you have the courage to step out on faith and improve your life while you still can. Don't be like some of the old people in my family who have no high school diploma, but complain about being uneducated (and they're in their 50's and 60's). God bless you, hang in there, and don't give up. It's never too late to go back to school.

  9. I would say you realy messed up life when you are on your death bed and you have nothing to show for it

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