
You know your a hockey fanatic when...?

by Guest57417  |  earlier

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You know your a hockey fanatic when...?




  1. When I haven't missed a game in over 2 years (On TV).

  2. you can't play sports that require a ball.

    yeah, even golf balls included

  3.'ve memorized every date your team plays, but forget your husband's/wife's or boyfriend's/girlfriend's birthday.  Whoops!

    Thankfully, that hasn't happened to me...yet.

  4. you stay up til 1:30 the night before exams because the cup finals are on

    (my bad i think i got Cs on those)

  5. when my toilet paper has the red wings logo on it GO PENS

  6. When you gain nearly 20 pounds during the lockout(yes that did happen to me, luckily i worked it off)

  7. you take a PTO day off on July 1st for free agency signings

  8. When you watch every playoff game, regardless if your favorite team is playing. When you have more hockey cards, than dots on your wall. And finally your a hockey fanatic when you spend your spare time looking over hockey statistics.

  9. .. even your bathroom is decorated with your teams memorabilia.

    Hockeygirl: I did that! I got a 100 on my Spanish regents, but 70's-85's on everything else.

  10. if ya keep a hockey stick by your bed in case an intruder comes in during a hurricane

  11. this one is easy.

    You know your a hockey fanatic when the word "dangles" doesnt sound explicit to you at all.  

    You know your a hockey fanatic when you have that blue set of NHL bedsheets with every team from the 90's on it.  

    You know your a hockey fanatic when you have the matching curtains.

    You know your a hockey fanatic when you play "wayne Gretzky's 3D hockey" every week.

    You know your a hockey fanatic when you prefer the "old rules" NHL.

    You know your a hockey fanatic when you remember pre-Bettman NHL.

    You know your a hockey fanatic when kids you played mites with start getting drafted.

    You know you are not a real hockey fan when you are a 30+ yr old man wearing a jersey with another man's name on it, who is most likely half your age.

    You know your not a real hockey fan when you call it the "olympia".  Zamboni may be the company, but its is the only name it should go by.

    You know your not a real hockey fan when you like the "new rules" NHL and are a fan of gary bettman.

  12. you are now addicted to celebrities lives because the hockey season is over.

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