
You know your a horseback rider when...?

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This is kind of a fun question. Has anyone else noticed that after you have been riding for a while (by a while I mean at least 2 years and serious about it), you begin acting differently, you expect thing to be done a certain way, etc. Make a list of things that you notice riders do/act/expect differently than other people. Here is a few I have:

1. You run on 12 hours of sleep (not literally, but in some cases YES) a week.

2. You can't help noticing people that don't sit up strait with their shoulders back.

I don't know...I'm kind of least this is how I see things, you might think differently.




  1. when you're riding a bike and your heels automatically go down.

    when you start noticing the way your dog moves.

    your wardrobe mostly consists of polos, tall socks, breeches and boots.

    almost every book on your shelf has something to do with horsecare.

    you brush your horse more than you brush your own hair.

  2. no i don't notice these things

  3. When the presents that people give you for Christmas and your birthday are really presents for your horse

  4. yes i know what you mean hahahaa

    you know your a horseback rider when the only boyfriends you need are the "guys" at the barn

    you know you're a horseback rider when you are walking your dog and you cluck to it to get it to walk faster.

    You see a pair of Ariats for $300 and think, 'Wow! That's cheap!"

    You have no aversion to mucking stalls, but refuse to clean toilets.

    Your social network spans at least half of the united states, but you only see each other a few times a year, and most of your friends are twice your age.

    If you think a great vacation is spending a long weekend

    in front of a horsetrailer by a dusty arena.

    If you always keep carrots, apples, and sugar cubes in

    your refrigerator.

    If every time you find a horse item, you buy it…

    If when at the grocery store, you determine to buy

    carrots and apples… for the horses at the barn.

    If at any time in your life, you set up jumps in the

    backyard and walked the course.

    If, instead of skipping, you “canter”.

    you don't mind when you leave the barn in full gear, boots, half chaps and crop in back pocket

  5. you know you're a horse person when...

    during show season, you keep your horses' legs shaved and clipped better than your own...

    you dont mind going to school/work in the morning still wearing your smelly boots after the morning feeding...

    you think a huge hubcap of a belt buckle is the latest fashion...

    when your car is drifting left a bit, you squeeze the wheel with your right hand and tighten your left leg...

    your handbook/organizer is full of farrier and vet appointments and nothing else...

    you talk to your horse more than you talk to your friends...

    you dont recognize any of your horse friends if they arent in full show attire or with their horse...

    when you're walking down the street and/or hallway and someone waves a plastic bag, you flinch (i've done this many times; my non-horsey friends think i'm a lunatic)...

    you approach problems like you would if you were training your horse...

    you can fix ANYTHING with Vetrap, duct tape, and/or baling twine...

    you keep a hoof pick, Vetrap, and a length of baling twine in your bag...

    i'll think of more and post later =]

  6. you know your a horseback rider when you are standing on a fence(or the like) and your heels automatically go

    you know your a horseback rider when you get frustrated at  cheesy and sterotypical movies with horses...such as the black stallion etc

    you know your a horseback rider when you set up jumps in your back yard and jump horse-less

    you know your a horseback rider when instead of counting sheep to fall a sleep you the count jumps in a course.

  7. You know you're a horseback rider when....

    -you're riding in the car and random fences and things you can't even describe look like they'd be so much fun to jump.

    -when you ride a scooter any lines on the ground you treat like jumps.

    -mucking out a barnfull of stalls sounds like a lot more fun than cleaning the house.

    -those mechinical bulls look like a piece of cake

  8. When You make random doodles on a paper during in a little cartoon flipbook of of you and your horse jumping over logs.

    When you refer to nuetered cats or dogs as geldings

    Or when You have even teased your guy friends about being geldings (when the really have NO idea what you are even talking about.) and they just laugh along. and  your thinking in your head how stupid they really are,

    when you refer to your horse as the only man you need in your life.

    When you and your horsey friends can have manure fights in the back pasture lol.

  9. You know your a rider when your out working cattle and you go to head off a ornery steer, when your rear cinch breaks and your horse snaps in two and goes to town and in the mist of the storm your front cinch breaks and you notice that your saddle is on the side of the horse. When you hit the ground your horse keeps bucking and steps on your leg and continues to buck off through the field.  You get up and dust your self off and pick up your saddle and walk towards your horse. Busted bruised and hurt pride, with your head up. You catch up your horse and hop one its back and go back to where the steer is still causing trouble and finish getting your work done bareback. When the work is done you fix your saddle put it back on your horse and cool it down.

    Even after the next morning when you find more sore spots than you knew existed you're up and riding not minding how sore you are.

    That happened to me this weekend.

    Now that's being a rider.

  10. -  When you think of money in terms of how much horse it could buy (Example:  my rent could buy 1/3 of a nice horse)

    -  When you look at the grassy median next to the highway and wonder if it's free enough of gopher holes to ride on

    -  When you assess each and every horse you see on TV for breed, age, gender, conformation, training level and value

    -  When you practice riding while you're driving (the steering wheel is/are your reins)

    -  When you mentally critique every rider you see on TV (John Wayne, the driver of the Budweiser clydes, etc.)

    -  When you assess your own and other people's bodies in terms of equine conformation points!  (I am over at the knee and slightly swaybacked...I would not hold up to eventing, bwaha).

    I do all of these things and more...but at least I know I'm not alone!

  11. 1. When your in the car and pass a field you think of how many horses it can hold, or think it would be a great place for a canter.

    2. When you would rather spend your time at the barn with the horses than at the mall.

    3. When you tend to *cluck* at almost everything.

    4. While riding your bike you have your heels down and toes up.

    5. When your favourite outfits are the ones most suitable for riding.

    6. When someone asks you to tie a knot, you tie a quick release or slip knot, and they look at you as if they are really confused :)

    That's all I can think of right now. -^^-

  12. lol, ive only been riding for a month, and im already thinking like that!!

    lol, and,

    you know your a horseback rider when you walk 6 feet behind a car because you think its going to kick you if you get too close XD

    you know your a horseback rider when you dont care about the alfalfa slobber in your hair when your horse plays with your hair.

    lol, i love my horse so much!!!

  13. You say Hi to riders but you have no idea what they look like because you were too busy assessing their horse

    Your hair is "easily manageable" by design

    12 hours of sleep - yes sometimes I do that

    there is nothing unusual about wearing odd socks ( or carrier bags inside leaky boots)

    having a hoofpick in your handbag is not strange

    You spot ragwort everywhere

    if you're walking or driving and see large noisy vehicles/flappy plastic etc you actually spook

    edit>  :-)  No smilies arrrrgghhh !

  14. 1. You noticed that the horse in the movie Hidalgo was not in fact an American Mustang as the movie claimed, but an American Paint horse.

    (Bonus points if you've seen the movie Coyote Summer and recognized the blatant switch from Fresian to TB-looking horse!)

    2. All your riding pants have slobber stains on them.

    3. You can't remember to change your oil, but you've got every vet, farrier, and worming appointment planned out for the entire year by January 1st.

    4. You find it more comfortable to sit on your horse than sit on a chair.

    5. You can't relate to non-horse people.

    6. You find it aggravating when you have to be in the "real world"- which means showering off all the dust, sweat, horse hair, and other "stuff" that accumulates on your clothes at the barn.

    7. Tack stores provide hours of entertainment.

    8. Your mailbox is overflowing with catalogs and fliers for horse things.

    9. Your home decor is a not-so-subtle tribute to your horse world.

    10. When you walk through the grass, you find yourself scanning ahead for deep holes and other obstacles.

    More as I think of them...


  15. ....every xmas the presents for you are actually presents for your horse. come home with at least 2 feed smears on your coat and you dont even notice.

    ....your horse has more rugs than you have coats. start to click to get the attention of dogs/small children.

    ....your friends look at you blankly when you start rabbiting on about feed supplements, rugs etc. dont realise you smell like a horse when you leave the yard are more aware of what your horse eats than what you do.

    ....your horse has a photo on the mantle piece along with your family

    ....xmas morning is spent at the yard knee deep in mud and covered in horse hair.

  16. When you notice the posture of everyone around you.


    A riders living room is nothing but pics of horses & the room has several ribbons/trophies.

    You'd rather shop for tack then shop at the mall.

    Notice freshly cut hay in the field.

    Work all day to prepare for a show that evening, show all night & back up before daylight to do barn chores.

  17. You know your horse daft when you pass a car towing a box & you rubber neck to see whats in the back of the box

    You point out ragwort when your away on holidays with the family...they all know your crazy anyway.

    You pass a horse & rider on the road while driving & give the daftest big smile as if there telepathic,the cheesy smile means "ive got one too!!":)

  18. i dont know if anyone else said these but...

    you know your a horseback rider when:

    your car becomes a tack room

    you spot things on the road and say "that would be a great jump"

    your always sitting up striaght with your shoulders back

    you have atleast a few horse hair on your clothes everyday

    the list can go on lol

  19. You know your a horseback rider when...

    1. you have been asked by your mum to undress outside because your way to dirty to be in the house

    2. its completely normal to have hay almost permanently in your hair.

    3. you were little you hated mucking stalls, and now your doing it for a living... go figure

    4. your parents dont even ask what your doing tommorow its pretty much assumed that you are going to the barn, and need a ride in.

    5. your friends stop asking you to parties, they know your busy riding

    6. you go back to school after summer with white legs, and stomach, and black arms and chest

    7. you live by the statement "no pain no gain"

    8. the girls at the barn start to become like your sisters

    9. the s**y ringboys are like the only guys you see all summer

    10. your more tired going back to skewl then when you got out for summer break

    11. your farrier is on your fave five

    12. no matter how hard you try, no product can fix helmet head.

    13. your laundry becomes solely horse related clothes.

    14. you always watch horse t.v shows, even if they are cartoons, and for 4 year olds

    15. you have bragged to your friends about how many times you have fallen off, and wear your scars with pride.

    16. you live your life by the quote, Eat. Sleep. Ride

    17. Ariat becomes your faveiourite brand name

    18. you think of the spring not as warm and growth, but knee high mud.

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