
You plan to lump us with other primates?

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So, in the case of Evolution and the branches..why is there a collection of simular species of apes that do simular things, look simular and what not eg. Chimps, Bonobos, Gorillia, Orangutan and others. We humans have only ourselves and maybe the Neanderthal as simular species. I argue it this way because we do not look like chimps etc so I don't consider them our cousins but I do consider Chimps, Bonobos, Gorillia etc cousins to themselves.. If we are evolved from them why would we be a lot different. So different that we could have come from another planet or have been geneticly engineered by some higher superior being. Yes, I realize we are geneticly close but our differences must be vastly different in genetics.

Really, aren't we a lot different?




  1. Darwinism doesn't state that homo sapiens evolved from apes. We did evolve from our own branch on the same tree, which is why we don't resemble simians in the way you describe. This is a common misconception, like thinking schizophrenia is the same as "split personality" disorder.

    Genetically speaking we are about 99 percent genetically similar to chimpanzees, according to the Human Genome Project and other studies. So genetically we are very similar. Yes, we have obvious differences, but I would never say we came from another planet.

    Have you ever watched footage of Koko, the gorilla famous for learning sign language? She expressed complex emotions and ideas that were identical to humans. Apes aren't the only animals though, by far. Many species show "human" emotions and similar cognitive abilities.

    So humans are unique, but we aren't from a different world by any means.

  2. Aye.

    I agree.

  3. Chimps are 98% genetically the same as humans.

    I'm serious, too, look it up in any science publication from recent years.

  4. im sure the earth is flat to you...

  5. People make clasifications, no we are obviously not primate's we are Humans.

    Evolution is an all-encompassing word, which makes it very easy to be misled. “Evolution is slow changes over time”, is one of the most popular explanations. Its always shown in the form of micro evolution, which is changes in creatures within their genetic code, for example a great dane and a chihuahua are both breeds of Dog. This means that they both came from the same gene pool, their basic design pattern is the same and the differences are in the selection of traits, such as size, colour, length of limbs etc. the genetic code does not take on some kind of new design information it simply takes choices from those existing. This is true in Darwin’s finches, its true in all animal kinds, and its true for us humans from midgets to giants, and from white to black. No one is better or more evolved than the other. Design information for each Kind is all from the same gene code. There are outside forces that sometimes cause these switches to take place, Isolated breeding, climates, altitudes, natural disasters, and some natural selection. Mutations can also take place like missing limbs, extra limbs, malfunctioning glands, etc these are called negative mutations. It is still taught however that positive mutations occur ie, new designs cans accidentally come into existence within the genetic code and slowly get improved upon until they become a complete intricate functioning design, eg; the eye or wings, However this is hopeful philosophy. Every part in the make up of every system in every creature comes from design information already in its genetic code.

    Darwin neither new or dreamed that there could be a genetic code of design that every living part needs to be formed. He postulated that a small bump could be passed on and on through offspring and be added too every now and again and eventually become an eye without any design, through natural selection ie (that trait helping the creature live when all others died).

    Darwin’s idea was that a simple cell was formed in the pre mordial soup (rain on rocks for millions of years) and that started us all off. (The living cell however is more complex in design than the space shuttle, but how was Darwin to know that in the 1800's)

    To believe in Darwin’s evolution however you must first believe that these changes can go beyond the genetic code. This is called Macro evolution and is actually only conjecture, not real science. Only micro evolution is real science.

    You say you’re logical. I would ask you can something come from nothing, or could it come from something we don’t see or understand. Do chemicals go up the scale or down? Is design information introduced when we grow our technology (offcourse it is). Yet we call it evolution…and it is…But what you are asked to believe in many of the conjectures in the General theory of evolution is not real evolution.   This is why I say it confuses people.

    Generally people show you their conclusions and call them evidence. You would do very well to understand the difference between evidence and people conclusions…

  6. First of all, it's "similar", not "simular". I advise you not to lecture on subjects you obviously don't understand if you're going to misspell common English words in doing so. Secondly, no, we are not very different from primates at all. In fact, we are one. Any difference you see is a construction to make yourself feel special.

  7. Physically we are just apes.  We are nearly identical on the molecular level and the way we are different is absolute proof we are related to all other animals.  We are very different in other ways though.  I don't think science has all the answers to why we are different but we are certainly physically related.  

    That means our ancestors shared ancestors with all other life and that includes rutabagas and bacteria.  If we have a soul, it isn't part of the physical being so it shouldn't be a conflict with religious people.  Some want to rewrite the laws of physics and claim the world isn't about 4.5 billion years old or the universe 13.7 billion years old.  They want to believe something created the universe of trillions of billions of stars that long ago and it is involved with their life and the whole universe centers around man.  That is just not rational.  There may be miracles beyond comprehension but an old man didn't create the Universe for humans.  We probably don't even rise to the level of gnats on a fleas back in the higher order of things.

  8. *shrugs*   We are just primates.  Sure, we're really smart primates, but primates none the less.  What would you want us to be considered?

  9. their DNa is very close to us.....

    we come from a common ancestor.

  10. We are basically hairless apes.It only takes a relatively few genes to make a significant difference-I am reminded of the people who's body and entire face is covered with hair.That one abnormality in a specific gene, one gene out of 100,000 +- can completely change a humans overall appearance. As the brain evolved so did hunting skills,the need for a huge amount of muscle mass for self defense,(the more muscle the more  nutrition needed),the need for communication when hunting in coordinated groups to bring down larger game,etc.-----Who said it had to be so complex,merely a mess of organic chemicals stewing in some primordial soup until thunder struck and it became self replicating merely by accident due to the endless possibilities of a vast universe-all that complicated RNA/DNA came much later.Things progress from the simple to the more complex as time goes on unless there's a giant asteroid coming soon,in which case there might be some diversion from the natural path.

  11. Our legs, feet & pelvis are configured for upright walking, the wrist is also different (allowing a snapping motion needed to shape tools) & the thumb & any forefinger pad can be brought together to form a forceful & precision grip. These thngs allowed us to form a larger brain with the large area 10 (frontal lobes).  Therefore we can hypothesize & use a "what if" method of executing plans. Other than this, we are just primates.

    Strangely "the Hobbit" found on Flores had the wrist bones of early Homo erectus (erectus developed the modern wrist ~800,000 yrs ago) & a very small brain, but area 10 of the brain had developed more than that of Homo erectus, perhaps permitting tool making & hunting. This part of the brain is probably what gave us the jump on neandertal, but we are all primates... pure & simple.

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