
You pull up to a 4 way stop intersection and another car is there at a different side of the intersection....?

by  |  earlier

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how long do you have to wait before you can go? whats the law?

wait til they are completely out of the intersection?

wait til you have enough room to make it through without hitting them?

i was just wondering




  1. You may occasionally arrive at a four-way stop sign at the same time as another driver. In such cases the driver to the right has the right of way. However, not all drivers know this. If someone to your left decides to go first, let them!

  2. While by law the person on the right of you has the right of way...but I don't care who goes first as long as someone is moving.

  3. If u get there first, then u can go past the intersection before them.

    If not, u have to wait to go!

  4. The driver to the right is supposedly allowed to go first, but hardly anyone knows this, so it really comes down to who waves who on first.

    And yes, wait until they are completely done their cross or turn before you proceed to go.

  5. if you came to a complete stop after their car, and their car passes in front of you, then you're legal.

  6. if you both are going straight thru the same intersection, you may go at the same time. if the other car is there first, he has right of way. in a turn situation, or if you are there at the same time, the turning one yields. if other car is going straight, and you are turning, then you must wait until it is safe to turn behind him, being wary that he may have to stop in the intersection for the pedestrian crossing behind you as you start your turn.

  7. i know its the way its suppose to be, but if the intersection is full,  every car at the 4-way stop has someone to there right so my rule is"":he who hesitates, loses ""

  8. you would come to a complete stop and you can procede when...

    If the car is perpendicular to you or turning either way, you can go when they clear your lane.

    If the car is coming towards you, you do not have to wait except for making a complete stop.

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