
You put down and trash what you don't know, so why does Sarah Palin scare you so?

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Is she that much a threat to your safe, little, pro choice world?




  1. the fact she is helping McBush  SCARES ME....AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    USA might be going into a depression if McCain becomes president

  2. Nothing to fear, she has proven to be a hypocrite so most Dems know she will likely be gone, or they both will after the election.

  3. She doesn't scare me at all.  I said in another post that she's the best thing to happen to Obama's campaign, because prior to McCain choosing her, McCain would have won the Presidency.

    I think she's fake, a joke, a liar, and full of c**p.  Moral this, moral that and look at her s***k-a-saurus of a daughter.  Some moral upbringing, eh...?

    The USA will ALWAYS be Pro-Choice.  Roe vs. Wade secured that.  Palin can bring in her entire pro-life agenda, but she can't change the Supreme Court.

  4. Nobody is putting her down on the fact that she's a cougar!

  5. She doesn't scare me and she certainly isn't "what I don't know". She represents the STATUS QUO, the CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN MAJORITY OF THE UNITED STATES.

    QUIT ACTING LIKE MARTYRS. You're not the minority, you run things and you know it. Just because I don't like it doesn't make me a coward.  

  6. 50-42.......

    but awesome should take up poetry

  7. she doesnt

  8. Because she's a symbol of McCain's hypocrisy and poor judgment on why he should NOT be America's next commander and chief.

  9. Oh please if I want an abortion that bad I'll go to Canada!

  10. I find it funny how these people are trying to say the VP pick doesn't have enough experience, when she's made more executive decisions in her life than Obama has. Obama can't even argue with it, what he said is that he has experience campaigning and that shows that he knows how to handle money. Campaigning and running the most powerful country in the world are two extremly different things. Anyway for the fool who said McCain would bring us into a depression, google post-war depression and think about what will happen when we leave the middle east.

  11. A threat?


    But Palin is no savior that the GOP is painting her out to be.

    She is supposed to be the V.P.

    Not another soccer mom so we, the public, are vetting her.

    You might take her for what she is and just believe the garbage that they dish out to you.

    But I tend to ask all questions before I make up my mind.

    That's why I knew back then that Bush is wrong for the country, just as I know now that McCain is wrong for the United States today.

  12. I don't even know who or what Sarah Palin is

    So, im not scared

  13. she is an actual republican she is what mccain claims to be

  14. idk

  15. She doesn't i actually find her brave for admitting what happened and not letting people judge her or her daughter, i also find it very brave of mccain to PICK her even after knowing her daughter is pregnant, is shows he really is pro-choice republican .. like myself. :D

  16. Sara Palin strikes me as a weak woman. I don't think she has the strength to run the country. I also really dislike the whole pro-life thing because they try to stand on religious grounds but if you really know God, you will KNOW God is pro-choice.

      Do you really think that God does not have the ability if He wants to stop abortion? He gave humans free will. Who am I to take it away from them? God does not believe abortion is right but He has given each person the freedom to make a choice. Since when did religion become more powerful than God?

    Sarah Palin is scary because she is so inexperienced. I believe that the government will chew her up and spit her out. I don't think she has been in politics long enough to actually make decisions for the masses.

  17. the left knows this woman can be President in 2012 or before that if she gets elected and John McCain is no longer in office. I think the Messiah has been replaced with the Mother.

  18. what are you a poet?

  19. How can a person who managed a Popsicle stand(Alaska, 600,000- Austin, Texas has more) be in any way qualified to be POTUS? If you think she is, what Kool aid are you drinking?

  20. Yes she is why do you think the liberals are non stop attacking....

  21. Milfs scare me no matter what party

  22. She's not a threat at all. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Obama.  I would love to hit that tho.

  23. She doesn't...... She turns me on. :)

  24. she "scares" many because she has the possibility of perhaps having the most powerful/stressful job in the world, and many don't want it (the presidency) to be a person who cannot even manage her own family, let alone the entire nation.  

  25. You don't get it's the hypocrisy of it all. You Neo Cons are always 'holier than thou" being judgemental, well you reap what you sow!

  26. No, you've got it backwards. She didn't really scare me when I didn't know her. The more I get to know her, the scarier she gets. How she managed to cram so much corruption into her scant two years of "executive experience" is beyond my power of understanding. She works fast, that's all I can say.

    Palin is McCain's albatross... I wouldn't be surprised if she mysteriously "withdraws" her acceptance of the VP pick sooner rather than later.

  27. She does not scare me...little does

    What scares me is how rash of first decision Mc Cain has made to win this election and not put country first

    His was seen and quoted as saying the first choice of ANY presidential nominee is to chose someone who will be ready on day one to run this country

    what scares me is her sitting across from Putin and guess she can use her PTA experience to get him to back down

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