
You smell like applejuice?

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someone said thatto me, is that a good or bad thing? is it an indirect way of saying that i smel bad?




  1. think of it this way ;

    does apple juice smell bad?

  2. She was trying to be offensive. But personally, I think apple juice smells good.

  3. it depends on HOW she said it.

    If she smiled when she said it, snickered or giggled or something when she said it, she was probably trying to be offensive.

    I think that's a bad insult, because apple juice smells pretty good to me.

  4. better be glad she didn't say you smelled like a skunk...maybe she was just telling the truth...Apple juice does not stink.

  5. If she was trying to be a jerk...well she didn't do a very good job because I think apple juice smells pretty good! If not that, she was probably just stating a fact.. I mean not in a bad way either. It depends on how she said it

  6. That's a weird thing to smell like. I don't go around telling people they smell like food/drinks. I don't think apple juice smells bad, but it sounds like a backhanded comment at best.  

  7. First of all was the girl your friend? Did she say it plainly with no expression and in a normal tone? Because if she did that probably means that in a good way. But if there were giggles,snickers,smiles,

    then it was offensive.

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