
You take one lakh years to go to next star at 50000kms an hour by nonstop journey.what can man do then?

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then why do pooular science writers mislead students and public with outer space comics?




  1. Its called Science Fiction. This concept along with Supernatural means are popular in terms of providing ENTRTAINMENT for people. You would have to be quite foolish to believe it at a mature age.

  2. Now scientists are discovering new ways to travel through space. One of the new idea is "wrap" travelling. When you wrap up space and time like folding a large sheet of paper into a small ball the space between objects become less than when they were unrapped. Scientists also say that they can travel faster than the speed of light.

    The one lakh year conclusion is based on today's technology not the technology of tommorrow

    By one lakh man would have definitely way to reach even beyond the nearest star  

  3. wait man. now it is possible to send a satellite to space or moon without a man in it and can collect information. why not possible for a neutrino vehicle travel near light speed and collect info. from a distant star in weeks? let's wait till they finish the QGP experiment.

  4. if you can travel almost or nearly light speed than in your space ship the time was very slow so within a month you can reach to another star but the condition is that you have to travel at  the speed of light...................

    and another fact is

                           that on earth millions of years is passed out  //                      

  5. what would you have them to write about? Space trip to the moon? reality is limited and boring. Fiction is limitless and you can generate all kind of idea

    And some sci fi stuff do actually tries to relate to real life theories

    Stargate, its about a gate build by an civilization called the Ancients, this gate use a material that could generate huge amount of energy to open a wormhole, and connect it to another stargate at another planet. it generate enough energy to sustain the wormhole a few minutes

    And this wormhole thing was predicted to exist by some science theory out there.

    Who knows, maybe one day we can build our own stargate, lol.

  6. find out the means to travel at the speed of mind. You will reach there within seconds.  

  7. comic is just a fiction not true they just serve the purpose of entertainment and nothing else.If their is a question of going to the another stars it will take years about 50-100 years or even more but not in lakhs.AND FOR UR INFORMATION WHO WRITES COMICS THEY ARE NOT THE TRUE SCIENCE WRITERS  

  8. Wow, you really don't have a clue do you?

    People sell comics because they can make a living at it and a good one at that. It doesn't have anything to do with reality. Is Batman real? Or Superman? How 'bout the Archies? LOL!

    The point is everyone knows comics are fake. They are stories to light up your imagination. If someone writes a good sci-fi story to get you interested in space, its a good thing.

    The fact that we can't travel to Alpha Proxima YET only means we're all waiting on you to discover how we can do it.

    Think about this: In the 1700s, man could travel no faster than horseback. Then someone invented the steam engine, and suddenly people we traveling much faster. A couple of hundred years later and we have air planes and space ships. Eventually, we'll have faster ones that run on new principals we haven't even discovered yet.

    Like I said, we're all waiting on stuff you haven't invented yet.

  9. Increase Research R&D on Dark matter

    Study String Theory with 10 Dimensions ...

    Bubbles of matter can travel faster than speed of light scientists say ...

    As in Times of India ...

    By manipulating dark matter of vaccum / space before space shuttle

    Watch movies like:

    The Core

    I guess u should be marking this as the best answer

  10. one lake year uhh??

  11. Very long distance in space can be covered in short time periods(like a year, or even less), only if space could be bend very strongle about a particular point. To achieve such a goal, very advanced and sophisticated technology is required, which, I believe is beyond our reach for nearly half a century(or even more).

    As for the fiction stories, they are only written for entertainment purposes and not to be taken literally( that's why they are fictional! ). But sometimes scientists do get some lot of inspiration from these fictions. For example, the idea of laser beams first came into existence through a science-fiction movie.

  12. On this board I doubt if anyone disbelieves in the existence of interstellar travel more than myself.  I am constantly telling people that interstellar distances are so vast that they simply cannot be crossed by any level of technology.  I am also one of the minority in that I seriously doubt that any other intelligences exist in the cosmos.  I'm considerably less certain of that since there are lots of stars, but I'm certain the Drake equation as it is commonly used vastly overestimates the number of intelligent races.  I am constantly being thumbs downed for this position by the alien fan boys.

    BUT, I have also been a fan of science fiction since I was 10 years old.  Back when paperbacks were 25 cents I would be in our local news stand making my selection. Even then I knew they were impossible, but it was such a wonderful escape from a world that seemed bent on self destruction.  Scientific accuracy simply didn't matter.  What mattered was a good story in a fantastic setting.  Reality is highly over-rated.

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