
You tell me why? Are people evil?

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Why are people all thinking bad on here are they that evil? I mean I cant even ask one simple question with out any one saying something bad to me.




  1. I read your question and the comments made to it. Some things are just better left alone here on Yahoo Q&A, since some become very offended.

  2. well, i'm nice!  sorry, i don't know what else to tell you.  sometimes, especially on the weekends, there can be a lot of kids on this site just typing in stupid stuff.

  3. They are just trolls, when they closed down the message boards they had no where to go so they came here. You should report them.

  4. people are fat deeks who sit at home and spend most of their time talking to chics they never met, on Myspace or whatever, and they just want to p**s people off.

  5. No! Thats not true, because there are some serious elderly professional people, that give you such good answers, that  not even your best friend or your own family would give you, we look out for each other and try to help as much as we can, we are someone who you can count on 24/7.

    YES! there are few ignorant people, whom you may bump into once in a while, but not EVIL you can just ignore them.

    We are a family, and will stick by each other in our time of difficulties, look at the brighter side, think positive, laugh it off, and until you are not ready don't post any questions here, just stay into answers only, "OR" look up at the answers and keep grading them, if you feel anyone is being rude then you just grade them, as BAD ANSWER if you see anyone is nice then you grade them GOOD ANSWER, that all.

    "Life is Good" enjoy and have fun, "IF" ever you need a friend or want to talk, just holler or email me. God bless you.

  6. Not all of us; but i haven't read your questions, and if they are very stupid i won't protect u :)

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