
You think I should pay back my Babysitting client for these last two days of work?

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I am not a licenced Day care provider. I took on two kids ages 11 months and 8 years old. Today she informed me that she was taking the kids out and that Friday is my last day. I have watched these kids for 30 hours, 3 days a week.

Today, the oldest needed a time out. He refused and picked up the chair and threw at me not once, but twice and then came at me swinging hitting and slapping me. I took the kids home to their parents and told them I am not done today, I cannot control a kid like that.

I have been providing all food, drinks, and latley quite a few diapers because she forgets to bring them for an 11 hour day. I make 600 a month. She wants to be paid back for these three days...Today and the remaining two days. Am I required to pay her back?




  1. No contract no deal.  This was not a contracted service, if it were you would possible need to.  But in this case it would be your word against hers and let her know about all the diapers you paid for as well.  Heck no you should  not have to pay her back one penny.  The remaining 2 days you might want to just for the reason if you want to use her for a reference leave it on good grounds.

  2. I'd pay her back for the next 2 days since you won't be watching them.  I don't think you can cast up what you've already included in her service because you didn't mention it before to her and there hasn't been any contract or anything.  Technically you don't have to do anything - she got a good deal, but if you want to, to feel like you've done the right thing etc, I'd pay her for the 2 days.

  3. My sitter is also unlicensed.  However, she clearly states in the paperwork of rules, etc. she gives to everyone that she requires a 2 week notice if we are taking our kids out.  After this time we are required to pay her.  It's business.  She needs to know this so she has that time to find new kids to watch, you know?  She works too and needs the money.  I'm guessing you do not have such rules stated anywhere.  You should.  Get them printed out and hand them out to all your clients.  This way, you won't have this problem.  I think you should pay her back.  Not only did she give you the notice, but I think you overreacted and got angry and quit right then.  You couldn't deal with the kids for 2 more days?  Yes, the kid got completely out of control, but you as the babysitter should know how to deal with such things.  If she didn't tell you she was taking the kids out, would you still have quit right then or tried to work it out?

  4. Business is business - cut your losses and move on. Plus, since you are not licensed, she may make your life difficut - such as bad mouthing you and reporting you to state.  Why put yourself in this position if you are doing your job well?  You mentioned that you outlay on diapers, etc. - next time this happens, simply say - please reimburse me tonight when you pick up your loved ones, if they forget, that night you should call and remind them for the next day - 2nd time this happens - refuse to watch children, they need to be responsible adults not.

  5. Seen that you broke the "contract" yes. But now charge her for the nappies etc. and the damage.

  6. h**l no... she should be tipping you for puttin up with that brat... if that was my client, she would be puttin up bail for me, cuz i wouldve wacked that kid for throwin a chair at me..

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