
You think i can beat this?

by  |  earlier

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i was going 80 mph in a 65 zone with no traffic. up near the mountains. So g*y. The CHP officer probably needed more money in his paycheck




  1. it doesn't matter if there was no traffic, u were breaking the law and if u dont get in trouble 4 that there's a flaw in the law system. plus it was in the mountains that's g*y u were going that fast learn 2 be safer!!!

  2. You were speeding.

    The Judge will rightly side with the Police Officer.

    Pay your ticket and slow down.

    - IK

  3. A speed limit means what it says, It is a limit. You deserve to have the book thrown at you, a heavy fine and your licence withdrawn for a year. Perhaps then you will respect the law in future.

  4. You won't beat it if you tell that to the judge.

  5. you were speeding so just pay the fine. my brother went 2 mph above the speeding limit and he still had to pay his

  6. Beat this? So sad, next you will be asking if you can sue for making you late for your manicure. You took a chance and got caught, man up and stop blaming others. Btw, officers do not get pay incentives for getting more tickets.

  7. How did he estimate your speed?If it was radar,in some states is not legal.

                        Debbie O

  8. take it to court. You can definetly plead it down some. It is worth going to court for a few hours. You most likely won't beat it completely.

  9. Dont waste your time. Go to court and pay your fine. You might be able to get out of it on once condition, if the officer doesnt show up to court. Thats the only way, but I am sure he'll be there. Slow your butt down.

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