
You think i could attend a welding school?

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iam a senior in high school but i never had good grades




  1. Get in contact with your local welders union (should be able to look them up online & call them).  Through the union they will send you to school ( apprenticeship ) .  Good Luck  

  2. probably... welding is tough though so if you don't do really well with instructions you may want to try something else... but you do make very good money and there is always a demand

  3. yes, you can get in, no prob

  4. it really depends on what you  have done outside of school and what you've done inside so if you've interned with a welding specialist and you volunteer a lot then you probably have a good chance even without good grades but you might want to pull those up this year  

  5. yes, you could, but you still have this year to turn your grades around.  i recommend really making an effort to do the best that you can this year, grades-wise.

    welding is a miserable job.  all day, in heavy clothes,  right beside metal that is 2000 degrees, is no picnic. it is not good , for your health either,  a lot of smoke, rust.  you will get burned a lot.  i have done it.  i still do it sometimes.

    you are young.  dont limit yourself to this type of job.  there is still time.


    i would imagine that you have heard that welders make $40.00/hr.  or some big number like that.  well, it is true, to a degree.  the welders that make that kind of money are 35-50 years old.  they know what they are doing and have  many years of experience.

    the young people, starting off, dont make near that much.

    if you want to get an idea of welding.  put on winter clothes and a helment and heavy gloves, go out in your yard and build a good sized  fire.  stand beside it as close as possible.  stand there for 8 hours while holding a grinder that weighs about 15 pounds.

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