
You think it's unreasonable for a man t ask for a paternity test?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I can understand being internally, slightly offended when someone asks for a paternity test or suggests they may not be the father (especially if you know he was the only one you are with). But, do you really think it's unreasonable? I mean, unless you are married or were trying to get pregnant with someone, why shouldn't the man consider that he may not be the father, especially if it were a one time thing or something? Is he or his family really supposed to just take it on blind faith?

What if it were your son, and some girl you had never met before came around claiming that she slept with your son and that it was his baby. You wouldn't advise you child to get a paternity test?




  1. I understanding your question totally agree that a woman shouldn't  hesitate on taking a DNA test. But in most cases its not the women who hesitates  its the men .

  2. I dont think that there is really a problem with it.  it will be better all along in the long run when child support issues come up

  3. Nothing wrong with a man requesting one. I would tell my son to!

  4. I love this question, simply decause I am one of those crazy poeple out there that think pat. tests should be manatory at birth, even if you are married.  Especailly with some of the messed up laws in the states regarding child support.

  5. If they aren't married i think that a paternity test should always be done.  The reason i say this is because when my exhusband went to court for his 2 other kids with his ex he had a major battle because even though he was on the birthcertificate he wasn't married to the mother and the courts said they needed proof he was the father so they ordered a paternity test which just stalled the case. So I think that when a baby is born and the parents are married the "father" should have a paternity test.

  6. I completely agree.  In fact, I asked a similar question a while back!

    here it is:;...

    But, I strongly disagree about the marriage thing.  being married does not put a lock on your goodies that only your spouse has the key to.  Married people can cheat just like anyone else.  and they do!  

    for example - my boyfriend of 9 years and I have a stronger and more healthy relationship than a lot of married folks I know.  we're just not religious, we don't need to make a promise to "god" ....... and that doesn't make either of us more likely to be unfaithful than a married couple.

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