
You think one way to alleviate traffic problems is to decrease the U.S. population (stop having babies)?

by  |  earlier

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Less people, less cars right?




  1. Wow - you're a genius!!!!

    Somebody give this guy a high level government job quick!

  2. Out of curiosity: how exactly are you going to accomplish this fine goal?

  3. Preciesly. Another way is actual border control.

  4. Yeah, that might work.  

    But it might cause other problems.  

    Europe and Japan have much higher population densities than the biggest cities in the US, and they don't have as bad traffic, because they use public transportation.  In the long run, that is the only solution.

  5. Wrong

    common sense is right solution for traffic problem

    changing work hours or find work to closer home or public transporation

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