
You think this could've been a ghost or demon or something of that sort?

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A few years back, my mom, stepdad and older brother lived in this one house that was built, I think the owner said in the early 1900's. (1901, 1902 somewhere around there). Anyway, one night me my younger brother and cousin were the only ones awake and we were in the living room for some reason talking about deaths and people who have died. And then suddenly we heard the sound of a pitcher fall in the kitchen on the hard floor (water pitcher). We went and checked and nothing at all appeared to have fallen. Even inside the kitchen closet. And in the bathroom. Nothing. And these were the only two rooms that had hard floor instead of carpet. Then there was a few times when I would see a red light moving about the wall. It looked like a red laser pointer only we lived in the 2nd floor and all windows were completly covered w/curtains & all. Once saw it on the wall, twice actually then another night i was in bed and saw it moving around on the bed.




  1. Even with the additional details this does not sound like a ghost. Are you having trouble accepting more rational and realistic explanations for the stuff you experienced?

  2. Its just a ghost making itself know If you Want Jay and Grant from the taps team go to contact them And I'm pretty sure they will try to come out.

  3. It is hard to say without being there, but it is possible.

  4. ok thats frickin creepy! thanks for not having me lose the ability to sleep tonight. its probably a demon or some dead person coming back to life to kill you. watch out.

  5. What really frightens me is that civilized, educated people believe in medieval superstition.

  6. yea ghost for sure (or a real bad prank) well here are some things that i know that might help if your christian get a priest to come to your house and bless its free i think...2 well that's really all i know that might help you right now in that situation hang tight dude its all go in 2 be good :)

    also i forgot to tell you some of the things you see might be just in your head i know its real annoying when ppl say that but its true..but I'm not saying that i dont believe you

  7. Sure, it could have been, but why assume it was?

    The age of the house has nothing to do with it. Saying it's old just plants the idea that it's more likely to be haunted. Children talking about death creates a situation ripe for the misinterpretation of natural events.

    As far as the red light thing goes, why not get up and get a closer look? If you had investigated it rather than assume it's a ghost of some sort you wouldn't be asking this question.

    Don't allow your fascination with a topic cloud your critical thought process. Wanting something to be true shouldn't affect your assessment of it.

  8. I would have to say that it's probably a ghost or demon.  I'm not really sure how you can sleep at night.

    Think about it.  There's no way it could have been your brothers.  You've already ruled that out, right?  The windows were closed and shades drawn, too.

    What about that weird water dripping thing?  That's kind of messed up, too!  A lot of people have reported strange sensations such as coldness and wetness before, during, and after an encounter.

    A crashing sound without anything broken seems like the biggest apparition, though.  It is not uncommon for "ghost sounds" to be heard accompanying visual ghosts.

    More than likely it is not a very nice ghost either. Why are they breaking stuff and messing with you in your bed?  That sure ain't no Casper! That sucker's gotta be some kind of demon or the unresting soul of a murderer or something.  I'd go to the local library and try and do some research on it.  Who knows, maybe you have a body buried in the basement or in a wall.

    Either way, I don't like the sounds of it.  Glad I don't live there or I'd probably never get to sleep.

    Hope that helped.

    Good night!

  9. They are demons.  If you keep looking for them, and being so interested in them, they will start to manifest themselves more and more.

    You must be a Christian to take "authority" over them, and tell them to LEAVE in Jesus Christ name.

  10. From what you have described here it seems that you are seeing ORBS.

    The dictionary definition of which is-Something of circular form; a circle or an orbit.

    Some people claim that paranormal orbs are more likely to appear in certain locales, or are attracted to human actitivities, especially those involving children. The images on Internet fora devoted to orbs are taken in graveyards, backyards, attics, and kitchens, living rooms, as well as bars, convention centers, and city streets – in short, anywhere people may be taking photos. Locations in which orbs are frequently observed are often said to be associated with other 'supernatural activity' and haunting taking place.

    Spirit orbs are sometimes claimed to exist more densely around certain haunted regions, or to be the spirits of departed loved ones. These types of orbs are sometimes claimed by paranormal enthusiasts to have faces, sometimes with discernible expressions and sometimes of recognizable persons.

    Orbs of an allegedly paranormal non-naturalistic origin have only come into knowledge over the past decade or so, due to the advent of the CCD and CMOS lenses used by digital cameras which were the first instance where dust and liquids became as visible due to the instantaneous capture method of the photosensitive diodes used, reinforcing skeptics' claims that they are merely a product of the lens.

  11. You don't need Jesus or any other archaic mythological figure to help you. Just turn the lights on. Your eyes are playing tricks on you. In the dark, if someone else claims to see something, you will automatically start to see the same thing. Anything that happens while you are in bed should be written off as night terrors. Right before you sleep and right after you wake up your body is in a dreamlike state. You will hallucinate.

  12. There are a variety of different manifestations, so rather than a ghost or demon, I would guess that house is an interdimensional gateway between our world and some other world. Does anything mysteriously disappear from the house? That would be more evidence of the gateway theory.

  13. It sounds like your imagination is getting the best of you. Ghosts don't look like a laser pointer light. You were probably just getting a reflection through the window -- even if the blinds or curtain were closed.

    The crash could have occurred in another location such as the attic or outside. If you were telling creepy stories any unusual sound would have been magnified in your perception and you would have been looking for paranormal explainations.

    As for the wind -- sometimes it gusts. Seeing eyes in the blinds is just your mind "matrixing" and looking for familiar patterns. It is the same as cloud watching. One cloud looks like a teddy bear, another looks like a heart (especially when you are with your sweetheart).

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