
You think we would catch anything?

by  |  earlier

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me and my friend was gonna go fishing...not in no big place at a creek beside his house...i say at the deepest point 3 feet deep...unless you go down the road to another part...they are plenty of bluegills,sunfish and even a couple catfish...ive seen them...none over 5 or 6 inches long for the catfish though...were gonna use redworms (earthworms) for think we could catch any of them (Catch and realese not eating them)?




  1. Absolutely, yes you can catch them. You may want to use a smaller hook like a #4 and try some crickets too. Good for both catfish ad sunfish.

  2. yes you can. work your way down the creek. go have fun man

  3. Yes,

    The bluegills and sunfish will go for the worms and the catfish might go for them. Just make sure you use a small enough hook otherwise the small sunfish will just steal your bait.

    Good Luck!

  4. Most freshwater fish will go for garden worms, depending on their mood. But you should also bring along corn and bread because in my experience I tend to get better results catching bottom-feeder fish with those.

  5. yea the blue gill and sun fish will be the easy part  the catfish part might take some time if you have spinner bait use that i caught a 16 inch bass with it at least i think its a spinner bait

  6. u might, catfish are bottom feeders so u cant use a bober, just somewat tightlines so u can feel wen there nibbling, earthworms might do it,(never used em) i always use chicke liver or gizerds, i also bring a hotdog to put in the blood of the liver to make it stick, nest bet is if it smells they bite it

    good luck



    u might want to bring 2 or 3 polls to work at one time to try in different areas, i also bring an extra one so i can do some bass fishing while i wait

  7. what for?these fishes r so small n u wont get any experience for doing so just fun alone if u do get them,leave them alone.go find something more worthwhile,bigger n rarer species.dont speculate,u will get them bcos the water is limited in confinement,they have no choice to say no to such free meal,they will hit it in seconds if not spooked.

  8. I'd say that is a yes but I would go with a size 6 hook it's big enough for catfish and small enough for the bluegills too.  Earthworms are a fundamental bait for almost any fish!!    

    Try floating the worms down the creek with no weights if you can, if not get one of those split shot dispensers (usually red) at Wal-Mart and start out with one or two of the smallest ones and work your way up until you start catching fish.  Sometimes it's just a matter of getting your bait down to the fish.... I wouldn't use anything above 8lb line...

    Good luck...if you truly are going catch and release you can snip off the barb of the hooks... it will come out of their mouths easier and not tear them up.

  9. yes, i don't see any reason why you wont catch anything, however the only way to find out is to go and see.

  10. you could prolly catch some good bluegill. use about a #10 hook for them

    as for the catfish use something like #6

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