
You took the road less traveled...regret it or appreciate it?

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I look back and laugh at how easy my life "could" have been...most things were handed to me on a silver platter thru good luck or genetics...but I made choices that took me far astray from small town expectations - much more difficult, but I feel like I learned things I needed to learn...curious about positive/negative response ratio on about you? Would you change it if you could?




  1. A little of both, actually. I had a d**n good career - in fact, I had more than one - and while I might do a few things differently had I the chance to live life over, in the main I'd pretty much live life just as I have.  

  2. I did take a road less traveled.  I practiced law for 10 years, then 8 Bosnian refugees moved into my house and only 1 spoke any English, so I started to teach them English, liked teaching, went back to Berkeley, got a teaching credential, and now I teach ESL to refugees for not much money, but with a lot of love.

    This road has been one I never never regret taking.  Sure, sometimes I miss doing the lawyer thing, but teaching is my calling.

    Life is only made up of time, and how we spend that time is the sum total of what we have at the end.  I want my basket to be full of good memories of helping some of the nicest people I have ever met to speak English.


    Lady Morgana

  3. I regret how much I haven't appreciated it.  The school of hard knocks is the only place I could get a full scholarship at!!!!!!!  I can't go back, even though I wish I could.  I don't have a lot of money, never had or will have fame, no idea what a silver spoon tastes like.  I do have **** load of punctuation though, It materializes every time I come here.

  4. Well, there are sure some things that I would have done differently . . . but overall, I have had a pretty cool life.  During those moments of doubt, I remind myself of that.  Very few people have experienced the triumphs that I have . . . but it did come with a price.

  5. All I can say is that it has made all the difference!

    I'm still in a toss-up between regret and appreciation. Maybe I need to live a few more years before I can truly answer this?

  6. Always when looking back you think I could've waited and planned things just a little more carefully b4 reacting however after it's all said and done you appreciate that you just moved regardless of how the way things would fall into place.  I think I've enjoyed a decent and comfortable way of living but missed getting more from that and thus I moved out of the norm.  Looking back I miss it and still am glad I took that chance and still I'm wanting more so it is good to be curious to see what's out there instead of being propped up somewhere luxuriating yet gaining little.  Life is what you make it indeed, isn't it?!!

  7. We had to dissect that poem from beginning to end in my Modern British and American Lit class and it's one of my favorite poems. I liked it because I think I have tried things that my family wouldn't try and dream big when some of my family members are content with the norm.  So yes, I've taken the road less travel and it has definitely made all the difference.

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