
You walk into a public restroom and your favorite celebrity steps out of a toilet stall, what do you do?

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You walk into a public restroom and your favorite celebrity steps out of a toilet stall, what do you do?




  1. I'd just smile and go about my business.  Most celebrities just want to live normal lives when they aren't "on the job."  Also, you don't know if it is actually the celebrity or a really good look-alike.  There are look-alikes out there.

  2. nod at him and go about my business.  the men's room is no place for conversation.

  3. I probably wouldn't do anything and go about my business because it would be rude to become obsessed over him/her in a bathroom. I wouldn't want people talking and questioning me while I'm getting out of the toilet.

  4. check to see if I'm in the right restroom... my fave celeb is a guy...

  5. just smile and maybe ask for there autograph but maybe not because it is kinda embarrasing

  6.   Maybe ask for an autograph after she washed her hands.

  7. when i use public restrooms it means i gotta go BAD so ill probably keep running to the toilet to ****.

  8. I would say I went into the wrong bathroom since I am female and my favorite celebrity is a male.  LOL

  9. stalk them for a bit

  10. Dude, you've got TP stuck to your shoe.

  11. You nod your head at them and act natural, let them finish washing up and mind your business. That's as far as you need to go without looking like a total dweeb.

  12. I'd say...did that smell come out of you?

  13. O.M.G. I would be so happy. i wouldn't know what to do.

  14. take the toilet seat?

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