
You won't believe this guy. Report to police or what?? =(?

by  |  earlier

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There is this guy with very dirty, messy hair who walks around our college all the time...he evens comes inside the building with his bike and just drops it in the middle of the hall.

He will sing and randomly go up to people, disturbing, harassing and even hit a girl.

The other day he walked into the women's showers and stood there watching while I and a few other girls were in there and he would not leave.

I think that was just too much.





  1. He may have a mental disorder, you may want to report his actions to the college and they can find out more about him and then they will be able to make the choices leading to his removal.

  2. oh wow. why the h**l would you ask us when you know what you shouldve done? its so ****** easy ohmigawd.

  3. OMG tell somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... that's soooooooo creepy has he seen you taking a shower or talked to you? if so tell me in a e-mail plz its               and tell me what he said

  4. Alert the police to the situation before the next time happens.

    That way, when you do call them (while he's on campus), they already know the background and know what to expect.

    That's terrible!  I can understand you're intimidated but he could only get worse if someone doesn't let the police know.  Sounds like he's mentally disturbed so I wouldn't approach him and, if you can, try and act calmly around him.  Good luck!

  5. you need to report him NOW!

    im not trying to scare you but you dont know what he is up to. harrassment is one thing but he has gone to far. u really need to do something about this man.

  6. The next time he does that, I would call 911 immediately!

  7. I would definitely call the police.  He hit someone; that is assault.   Trespassing (by going into the shower) is usually a misdemeanor, and peeping Tom (by watching women in the showers) may be either a felony or a misdemeanor.

    He's probably mentally ill, but that's not a free pass to commit crimes.  He'd be kept in a safe place, and probably given meds.  You aren't doing him or anyone any favors by putting up with this.

  8. he sounds like a pervert, i'd call the police for sure.  

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