
YouTube and Free Energy?

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What presentation is the best and has the best chance of working?




  1. Gibbs has free energy. Maybe he'll share.

  2. Energy is converted from one form to another, but it is never created or destroyed.In physics and other sciences, energy  is a scalar physical quantity that is a property of objects and systems of objects which is conserved by nature. Several different forms, such as kinetic, potential, thermal, electromagnetic, chemical, nuclear, and mass have been defined to explain all known natural phenomena.

    -While academia has been spurning the topic, hundreds, if not thousands of hobbyists and independent investigators worldwide are working on various electrolysis-like projects which put out more energy than was required to run the electrolysis unit(Water as Fuel)

  3. There is no such thing. Energy always costs something even if it is the machinery to capture the power of something like the wind.

  4. None of them.  There's no such thing as free energy.  If there were, most of the laws of physics would be wrong - and as a result, your computer wouldn't work, you wouldn't have power, etc.  Sorry.  You can't get something for nothing.

  5. Since energy can't be created out of nothing, I would venture a guess that no mechanisms will work.

    Darn laws of physics!

  6. the only true source of free energy is solar energy. But since you have to buy evertything to gather it, its really not free, is it?

    and if everybody hadsolar collectors, the government would come and tax it so it wouldnt be free that way either. if its free your not allowed to have it.

  7. You should have provided links for the YouTube videos to make it easier for the rest of us. I found several videos when I searched YouTube for Free Energy.

    One segment was talking about Free Energy as in no cost energy, or at least very little cost, and that ideas about how to provide it was hushed down by the energy providers that wants to make money out of it. (Old news.)

    I found a clip where someone was using wind & solar energy in their to recharge their camera batteries. OK ... cool, but that's not really a solution to a global problem.

    One guy has made some sort of battery from two metal rods of unspecified origin and a couple of other components. For all we know the rods could be radioactive. (No not really, but they could be harmful to nature and so on.) He doesn't show how it will work in the long run and how it would work on a larger scale.

    The free energy gravity wheel machine? Not much of a video, needs a lot more to make me think it will work.

    The most convincing presentation has to be the guy with the rods, he makes it all seem scientific and stuff but he does raise more questions than he gives answers.

  8. Both of them have their up and downs. Youtube is based on network of people and a website, but then that website may not always be there in the near future or it may be.  But to be able to work they would have to have a computere and energy to run it.  Nothing is free in this world, inless by chance someone is lucky or someone gives you it.

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