
Young, confused and not sure what to do...?

by  |  earlier

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straight to the point...

me and my group of friends are all like coupled off: there's a L*****n couple and two 'straight' couples. well me and the guy from the other 'straight' couple have been kind of playfully flirting with each other for a while and the other day we started petting and making out with each other. I know we're only young and it could just be experimenting and stuff but we really don't know what to do. Our girlfriends know about it and it really doesn't bother them and they keep talking about 'experimenting' as well. Any suggestions as to what to do next?




  1. Go for it.

  2. Both of you ditch your girlfriends and start dating!!

  3. GOOD FOR YOU!  The way I see it is that you have just found a magic key.  You are no longer limited to finding love in 50% of the population but able to search through 100%  of both genders!  Whether you are "experimenting" or finding our who you really are, you've shown that you're able to understand that EVERY relationship is many faceted.

    Follow your heart.  Don't force the "what to do next" thing, let it flow.  You'll surprise yourself.  I'm sure.  And the people that love you the most will follow your lead.

  4. I think the healthiest thing to do is to open up your sexuality and keep experimenting with this guy. It worked out for me :).

  5. Do whatever works for you!  As long as your girlfriends know what is going on and are fine with it, so be it.  Just make sure that you are all using protection!

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